- Meuwly Aline and Nathalie Tonel, creation handcrafted jewelry paste FIMO http://www.bijal.over-blog.com/
It is with great pleasure Today we publish the list of exhibitors at the 2009 Christmas Fair at the Cellar, the 27,28,29 November. Still missing some names that we shall soon enter !
Come see these beautiful creations!
- Anne Sourget , designer lamps http://www.lintemporel.org/
- Anne-Francoise Zurbuchen, pottery creations
- Carolina Leuba, chocolates, "The Chocolatine ", 7 Rue des Moulins, La Chaux-de- Fund
- Patricia Vuille, creations felt
- Marie-Luce Stofer, creations candles http://www.kdopassion.ch/
- Marlyse Cattin, creations hats
- Geraldine Berlan, jewelry creations
- Babando Florence and Valerie Gapany , creations key holders, incense holders, Deco