Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Make A No Sew Fleece Boa

Democrat in Aubusson: Medicine in Rural Territory.

That last November 17 that was held the second drink-Democrat the young history of MoDem Creuse. In the presence of Eric
Daubechies and Nathalie Pagani, members of the collegial presidency of the Movement Democratic county, two local doctors aubussonnaise had been invited and had responded to the invitation, independently: Dr. ELYAMANI hamed, radiologist practicing in the clinic of the White Cross, and Luc-Olivier SEBEN, general practitioner in Aubusson.

Left to Right : Drs. Elyamani-Sebens; Charvillat Mathieu, Eric Daubechies.

Both practitioners were invited to share with the audience, enjoying a big fifteen elements, their experience on the issue, available in several points:
  • An inventory of offer the medical department.
  • The state of medical demography of our practitioners and prospects induced.
  • What solutions make to respond to problems identified.
The professional background of the two doctors was discussed, including reasons that led them to practice in Creuse, in rural areas. Both have made a lifestyle choice, in relation to a matter of indisputable quality in our department, but also a career motivated by the practice of medicine nearby human.

The inventory established showed:
  • the number of physicians in the Creuse and is less than the national average, and the average of other departments of Limousin (1 doctor / 238 inhabitants).
  • An offer specialized consultations in which pauperizes and does not respect the territorial harmony.
  • A middle-aged des médecins de l'ordre de 53 ans qui posera problème dans le cdre des départs à la retraite dans les dix ans à venir.
  • Un faible taux de remplacement, et d'installation, notamment en médecine libérale.
  • Des besoins grandissants de la part d'une population âgée et peu mobile.
A partir de là, chacun, au gré de ses interventions, et à partir de l'expérience des médecins présents, a pu participer à l'élaboration de solutions potentielles pour pallier aux difficultés constatées, et répondre aux besoins de la population.
Ainsi, ont été évoquées les pistes suivantes :
  • Conduct incentive policies in respect of medical students.
  • Capping the number of medical facilities in popular areas (southern France).
  • develop cooperation between the actors care (nursing homes; Cooperative health group; Telemedicine ...)
  • Have a medium-term vision at the Regional Health Agency (LRA) to carry forward projects .
  • Making our attractive territories by fighting against the image of poverty that it sticks to the skin, and being the first ambassadors.
is one of the slogans that Creusois be proud and not ashamed of being, because it belongs to all of us involved in our territories and our enhance our knowledge of elected department to drain a positive image.

Part of the audience.
is on this note of hope and positivism the guests parted.
Thanks to everyone for their participation and contribution to the debate and particularly the doctors present, for their availability and we have shared their stories and experience.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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The Community of communes Aubusson-Felletin is a candidate to host a detention center. The opposition

Alain Rodet having refused to Limoges, and even though other important communications from the Limousin region have expressed interest in the Detention Center, it appears that Michael VERGNIER, deputy mayor of the Guéret 'also plans to Gueret.

needed no more to the rumor that swells in echoes from the other side. Indeed, despite a denial of his UMP mayor , Vincent Turpinat, a relative of John Auclair, he Jarnages appear that, a small town adjacent to the N-145, would also have a candidate ...

The reaction of our local PS has not made expected, since in the wake, Michel Monk through the press and on his blog, announced in an open letter to the prefect of the Creuse the application of the Community of Communes-Felletin Aubusson, on behalf of territorial equity.

If the merits of the claim seems entirely justified, beyond that, once again, political rivalries, it should however be interested to form.

Indeed, it seems fair to light on some truths: Mayor Aubusson is in the recovery policy, since a similar project was proposed by the opposition during the last municipal campaign. A project for which Michel Monk had cracked a " What, a prison in Aubusson! That's your project!" .

And yet, with nearly 250 jobs at the key, Aubusson could really do with such a windfall to revive and revitalize its economic life, since no momentum is initiated on that side. But what a turn at 180 °!

As for the argument developed by Michel Monk, it should also lean on: This offended (and rightly so, but after all is it so surprising?) Having not been applied in this project for estimating meet the specifications imposed.
It is true that it would be normal to interest the major players in our department to the hypothesis of an implementation of this type, and Renee and Michel Monk Nicoux are assured. But in Creuse, partisanship has its reasons which reason knows nothing ... An example of dependent ...

Quant au cahier des charges qui consiste à ce que la commune hôte dispose d'écoles, d'un hôpital ou d'une gare, il apparaît que la Communauté de Communes y répond, en précisant toutefois que l'hôpital ne saurait dispenser des soins d'Urgence, que seule la Clinique de la Croix Blanche saurait répondre à cette exigence. Encore faudra-t-il la pérenniser...

Dès lors qu'il est assuré que la com-com réponde ainsi aux exigences formelles, Michel Moine se fait l'avocat de l'équité territoriale au nom de la Justice Sociale et de l'équilibre qui y prévaut en matière d'infrastructures, mais quoi de plus normal after all, when we see daily the structural deficiencies of our South Creusois.

Our mayor acknowledged, however, (logically) that the N-145 is a vector indisputable irrigation, especially economic, for the northern department (but who could say otherwise ... Ask GOUZON).
What about our former N-141, which was binding Limoges - Clermont Ferrand, crossing over approximately 90 kms our department, including transit and Bourganeuf Aubusson ... A major road traffic using this route before the emergence of the A-89.
For some time, I denounce the disengagement state with respect to this axis, with the decommissioning of this pathway and its transfer of jurisdiction from the Department, holding that as a disaster for our Southern Creuse, and its development potential. Michel Moine
answering me on that he did not consider this as a disaster rather nuancing about, rather stigmatizing abandonment and renunciation of any proposed development on this road.
But as they say another, do not you enc ... flies?
Is not it rather because our politicians have failed to develop their territory on this axis that has been downgraded, and not vice versa? It l'absence de réactivité , de créativité , de dynamique et de concertation qui est à pointer du doigt encore une fois.

La Communauté de Communes Aubusson-Felletin a le droit de prétendre à ce projet, et l'équité éthique exigerait même qu'elle soit favorite sur le dossier. Néanmoins le jeu politique aura son mot à dire.
Toutefois en pleine campagne pour le Bouclier Rural où il est question d'harmonie territoriale, et avec la promotion médiatique d'un Michel Vergnier, ministre of land in case of alternating right-left to future legislation, it is no doubt of the outcome of the project, the Mayor of knowing very well Gueret Creuse and the difficulties of its southern . Unless I am naive? Unless other criteria are taken into account? Unless the social consensus is not really set in socialist ... Straw!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Donde Puedo Encontrar Fotos De Nails

systematic and blind Or why the Creuse is where she is ... When Nicolas

One can never say enough about how, in our culture, the role of the opponent is infuriating and frustrating. So when in addition to the various Local rungs of power, we find people against each other, and although it is the general interest suffers in favor of partisan rivalries, special interests. The clean

policy is to satisfy the public interest, being an expression of the majority, without neglecting the minority. Its mission is to arrive at a social consensus by being as just the necessities and needs.

I fear that obviously, this maxim j'érige the rank of dogma, does not exist in Creuse, both conflicting information, and hold our elected political maneuvering engaged besides these personal conflicts and ideological struggles in defiance of their original mission (s) warrant (s) gave them (in) t.

The local press has also recently echoed the disagreements, power struggles and failures that pose a standstill because of our politico-socio-economic development. Yes, those eternal strife paralyzed the evolution in the Creuse, resulting in a deadlock, which means that the department is where it is today.

Yet our elected officials that we have not doubt their good understanding, are reluctant to collaborate on projects common that should, in the present circumstances, result in the famous consensus building.

The subject of radiation therapy is the prime example. If everyone agrees that the necessity for its re-opening, no one agrees on joint actions, and some personalities, sniffing the political coup, preferring to go it alone ...

And what of the member Auclair, who at the government reshuffle, considering Xavier Bertrand, Minister of Health, said " asking its milestones to get radiotherapy . Does this mean that the closure of the radiotherapy Gueret is in fact a policy, that the arguments made so far to justify the latter are not admissible if it ... Therefore, the issue of radiotherapy would only be political, not health and social , would not fit in a logical structuring of medical supply in the department, but rather as an opportunity political coup. I already hear the trumpet and boast: "I saved radiotherapy ..."

To the extent that my analysis is correct, and how much disrespect towards the public and patients, as instruments for the benefit of interest supporters.

There are people who do not understand that some topics are essential and require the overcoming traditional divisions.
The opposition here at different rungs of the political hierarchy, is sterile, it challenges, stalled and too rarely proposal.
As for the majority, it would perhaps, from time to time to consider the views of the opposition, which is never to be despised.

And what about the million euros promised by Eric Woerth Jean Auclair in the geriatric division of Gueret; amount to which VERGNIER Michel, Mayor Guéret does not believe, stating further that " the maximum could be obtained is 7 million euros (...) if we were wise at the time of radiotherapy. As no was wise, was the minimum .
Again, suspended aid to the whims of higher levels of local opposition provided him allegiance. Partisan rivalries, personal issues ... Again and again ... Friends, find the common interest ...

As to shield rural socialists, he intended to involve only the socialists? Rurality is it not an issue that affect everyone beyond even our political connections? Would this not prove that a certain sectarianism of appropriating this problem when we know that other colors, dark red to orange , interested in rural issues for some time.

systematic opposition, blind, primitive way, on all subjects is that the expression of the war between our elected representatives of our party, in defiance of the general interest too set aside by them. And if
Creuse accused of such structural deficiencies, such difficulties, and although this situation there may be not totally foreign.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Metal Core Ml 2 Schematic

Invitation 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Can You Detect Std From Pee

Sarkozy openly mocks creusois!

The subject of radiotherapy Guéret will definitely spilled much ink, and probably is not finished.

The last Wednesday, October 13, 210 elected creusois are mounted in Paris, to bring 58,000 postcards signed by people to demonstrate peacefully for the re-opening of the Centre for Radiotherapy of Gueret.

Never before, had not been as creusois welded and united for a cause. The re-opening of the Centre for Radiotherapy is unanimity among the population et des élus, qui font corps face à l'adversité étatique et aux critères bureaucratiques qui animent cette dernière dans la décision ô combien arbitraire de fermer l'établissement creusois. La démonstration de l'utilité publique de ce service a été faite depuis bien longtemps.

Nos élus qui se déplaçaient afin de faire entendre aux autorités, la voix de leurs administrés, à l'instar des femmes de la Révolution qui allèrent chercher le roi à Versailles, furent reçus par les forces de l'ordre. Des méthodes que l'absolutisme d'antan n'aurait pas renié.
Quelle preuve de despostisme que d'envoyer des militaires à la rencontre des représentants du peuple ! Quelle dérive dans l'exercice et l'expression du pouvoir !

Nos élus, réunis au sein de l'Association des Maires et Adjoints de la Creuse, ont décidé après leur Assemblée Générale, de transmettre un courrier au Président de la République afin de leur faire part de leur indignation et de leur motivation à continuer le combat.

Et que dire de la réponse de ce dernier, impersonnelle, vulgaire, indigne de la stature que suggère une fonction aussi prestigieuse, que d'autres, avant lui, ont tenu avec beaucoup plus de classe et de panache !

Faced with this fight where it is genuinely and reasonably question of humanitarian creusois that lead to a man, the President of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, has not deigned to respond on his behalf, leaving that task to an obscure Chief of Staff, the text, full of disdain for conformity and sounds like an insult to the face of population Creuse.
Cynic, our president has only to note the letter of our elected officials, without further comment, or concern. What contempt under an unprecedented mobilization of our people. For, who lives in Creuse, it is not difficult to see the shortcomings Structural our department, and low supply which is in our materia medica. This shows the greed that prevails in the lives of Creuse, and say the fate that the state is preparing for us.
response to Nicolas Sarkozy.

A sense of abandonment and disrespect transpires that letter that looks just like an estoppel on the part of Nicolas Sarkozy, who probably has a shortness of mobilization.

And yet the fight is not over. We, Creuse, do not have the right to letting go in this standoff. Because losing this fight is to lose them in advance that we will have to lead soon to safeguard the balance of our territories, to safeguard our public services for the defense of our rural and our people.

Because the subject of radiotherapy is a matter of public necessity that must be aggregated across the divisions and differences, I, as a Democrat , I say to the President of the Republic and who wants hear that I will not give up this cause, noble, because I respect and love my country, my people, and I want what is better and more just for them.

2012 is approaching the end of our suffering More ...

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Already 2 years! It's go again ...

It's been two years that the blog was created to communicate with you about the Christmas Market and workshops organized by the Peasant Farmer Association Home.

This year's theme of change workshops, we will focus on preserving water resources.

is Why we invite you to discover through the posts of this blog, what's new this year.

Feel free to click on the link or image to view photos last year!

See photos of the 2009 Christmas market !

How Much Are Lingual Braces

animation with The Little Débrouillards

Saturday, December 11 from 15h to 18h, the Little Débrouaillards will host an exhibition: The water Loustics!

Throughout the exhibition, your children will learn about the path of the domestic water! And all this in a fun and citizen! Feel free to meet them.

Water is subject to the pressures of work and is threatened by human of chronic pollution, of nuisances and of damage, it becomes necessary to learn to preserve its quality, to save this natural resource. There is an urgent need to manage this resource in a sustainable development perspective. Water is a shared heritage that we must pass on to future generations.

How To Get A Platypus In The United States

Water is everybody's business! The 40 exhibitors 2010

This year's thematic workshops farmers change!
We'll focusing events and conferences this on the preservation of water resources.
  • sensitization workshop for children with the exhibition "Water Loustics" led by "The Little Débrouillards" from 15h to 18h .
  • A conference at 15.45: "Water is everybody's business"
- Introduction by Richard Giovanni (Waters and Rivers) to present the status and water issues in our region.
- Participation of an elected representative of St. Sulpice Forest to present an initiative around the local water management.
- Participation of Daniel Helle, Union Joint production of drinking water Rennais Basin to address the agricultural aspects.
  • A 16h: tale "A Thousand and One Ocean" , Lania hosted by the hall of St Pern.
But also .....
Entertainment for children all day!

Carriage rides from 10am to 16h, animations bread, make Christmas decorations and workshop in the afternoon.

Brent Everett And Brent Corrigan School

The 40 Exhibitors
Growers Organic Farmers and Artisans

Local Associations Local Associations solidarity

Organic Farmers and Peasants:
- ANDRE Vanessa (knitted and woven wool mohair bio)
-CHAUVIN Benedict and Stephanie (cow cheese)
Hignett-Jean-Paul and Beatrice (applesauce, jam, honey, gingerbread: Bio)
-PARIS Hervé (beef)
Persha-Sophie (Teas: 22 plants Bio conversion , succulents)
Pressend-Frederick (Laine Bio Bio viance sheep)
Marie-RENAULT-B (Wicker)
LAWRENCE Christopher (herbs)
MACON-Gildas (fruits and organic vegetables)

Local Services:
-BLANQUART Veronica (woven garments:
BOUCARD-John and Mary (bread)
-CHAPIN Laetitia (ceramics, decorative objects)
-GOURDON Wanda (jewelry glass beads and fabrics)
GUYADER-Steven (beer)
HARDY-Martine (ceramics and paintings)
LEPOTTIER-Annick (ceramics: dinner)
-LEBRET Corinne ( Flowers, plants, clothing design children)
LECOAILLE-Yannick (Bio Organic Chocolate and Biscuits)
Christopher and Emma-FISH (Fresh pasta )
-RAPP Sabrina (jouets et objets de décoration en bois d'essences locales)
-TRELLU Martine (bijoux en céramique)
-HERRIG Annika (couture)

-BODY NATURE (produits d'entretiens écologiques)
-DESFEUX Pierre-Luc (huîtres)
-HAUTBOIS Elisabeth (jouets en bois, jeux de société écolo et équitables et livres jeunesse)
-ROME Xavier: Poète paysan (livres et poèmes + poèmes encadré)
-TERRA LIBRA (café/thé/sucre/chocolat/cachaça/Maté: Bio. Artisanat: plats tajines, autres articles de déco)
-THOURET Pierre-Gilles (Chocolates and flowers seeds Bio)
- Deneumoustier Michele (Jewelry, stones)

International Solidarity Association: Association
FRANCE-PALESTINE (olive oil, books ...)
-Solidarity Association with Madagascar (object raffia, embroidery ...)

Local Associations:
-Association of Parents of St Pern (aprons, scarves, necklace)
-YEAR Association HENT GLAS (books on culture and Breton language ,...)
Footprint Association (books on ecological habitat)
The Age of Do (monthly journal)
Britain Solidarity Association Peru - Bolivia
-Association of Wood In Ludes ( games and toys from the toy library)
- Nature & Progress
- Ty Pollen Association (jams)

Suitcase With Hanging Garment Rack Dance Gear

Tale: "A Thousand and One Ocean" Open Stage at 20:30

Reading told by Lania at 16h
On multipurpose room of St. Pern, for all age groups.

Discover the world of water told.
How did the islands?
How is the Earth?
What happened the day the Great Sea went to the market?

Rates: 3 € / person, 10 € for 5 people.

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Budding artist or confirmed, this article is for you!

Indeed, under the Christmas market, local artists are invited to an open stage from 20:30.

If you want to know ...
Or simply set the mood this evening ...

Feel free to register and request more information at the Information Desk Farmer:!

Friday, November 5, 2010

How To Get Women To Shave Their Genitalia

Independence and singularity: Why I demonstrated against the pension reform.

long ago that a reform as essential as that of pensions had not raised such passions, and as is the popular consensus against it. The French people have responded overwhelmingly against the project of Nicolas Sarkozy and his Government is mobilizing millions across the country.

Faced with these giant demonstrations, the Government, the Right as a whole, remained adamant, as deaf what the people responded.
The French have had the street as a means of expressing their disapproval of the reform, in a real concert information, misinformation, malinformations, truths, truths and cons of lies.

The pension issue does not suggest simplistic answers, such qu'apportées daily because it is complex and technical. If the answers to make were that simple to find than those imposed by our governments, ever, the mobilization would have been as important. This shows the épinosité the subject.

Les atermoiements de la Gauche sur le sujet ne font que renforcer la complexité du dossier, tant elle verse entre pragmatisme et démagogie ; "En 2012, lorsque nous reviendrons au pouvoir, nous reviendrons aux 60 ans !"
Pourtant, Martine Aubry, elle-même, première secrétaire du PS, expliquait que pour elle, pour avoir une retraite à taux plein, il fallait admettre que 41 annuités et demi, étaient nécessaires.
Quel décalage avec la mobilisation sociale et le discours des 60 ans !

Comment revenir aux 60 ans, en acceptant 41 annuités ? The Left does not show his unit over there, does not prove its credibility in a speech purely for electioneering:
After all, I'd love to come back 60 years ...

Here is the kind of rhetoric that we hear in the procession of protesters opposed to a reform imposed in defiance of popular consultation, and any social consensus.
For the question is this: what is at stake in this pension reform? Why is it so important?
Has taken the time to explain things before imposing, not to propose a reform project. Our fellow-citizens they have all the ins and outs of the subject?

The stakes are indeed numerous. But it is perhaps good to recall certain truths:

-our pension system is based on the noble principle of inter-generational solidarity, based on the funding allocation : are people in work (assets) which, through their contributions, fund pensions for retirees.
-balance our financial system is threatened because of one essential reason: the number of retirees is growing faster than the number of assets. In 50 years we have gone from a ratio of 4 assets for a retiree, a ratio of 1.8 active members per retiree. Eventually, there will be as assets than retired.
-the consequences for the viability of our pension system is terrible, since the year 2010, deficit amounted to 32 billion euros, which means that retirement is no longer out of 10 funded.
-specifically, these pensions are financed by debt , a debt that François Bayrou has continued to denounce the campaign since 2007 presidential election, and continues to grow, which will affect future generations.

We are therefore faced with a challenge to both social , economic and demographic , which could have been anticipated, and that should have been taken to grips years ago that.
The French therefore expect that this reform maintain the current level of pensions, but mostly it pérénise the PAYG system, so dear to their eyes.
And it is not called reform (who pretended to be a key measure of the quinquennium of Nicolas Sarkozy) that responds to the problem effectively.

several reasons: firstly, it is only temporary, since it will redébattre the issue in 2020, so it is only in its configuration, it does not address the issue.
Moreover, for a pension reform to be permanently effective, must necessarily to add to it a policy of full employment to balance the ratio of active / retired .
Moreover, the reform as proposed s'avère particulièrement injuste, notamment sur le domaine de la pénibilité, qui n 'est pas prise en compte. Celle-ci doit l'être par une caisse autonome alimentée par les entreprises au prorata des risques qu'elles font encourir à leurs salariés. Cette mesure entraînant une évolution vers des carrières professionnelles plus diversifiées .
Et que dire du déplacement de l'âge légal du départ à la retraite sans pénalisation à 67 ans ! C'est là une mesure absolument inacceptable, car pénalisant les salariés les plus fragiles et les femmes qui ont débuté ou stoppé leur carrière après avoir élevé des enfants.
Cette décision, particulièrement injuste repose sur un artifice comptable puisque lorsque ces personnes font valoir leurs droits à la retraite, un grand nombre d'entre eux ne travaillent plus, étant soit au chômage, soit en fins de droits, soit aux minima sociaux, ou sans ressources. Ces ressources doivent donc être assurées par les caisses chômages ou les budgets sociaux.
Quant au problème de la dette, qui va grandissante, on ne peut pas dire que le problème soit en instance d'être réglé, et ce ne sont pas les milliards d'euros de perte dues au bouclier fiscal, qui ne protègent que les très hauts revenus, that will make me think otherwise .

So yes, I demonstrated against the pension reform, because it seems neither fair nor appropriate to the issues it raises. But I expressed independently, with singularity, because it is necessary to understand that a pragmatic reform is inevitable to save our system, generous.
I finally expressed by opposition and because it is not mandatory to be left to think of a better, fairer, because it is not mandatory to be left to defend the rights for everyone and those most disadvantaged among us, because it is not mandatory to be left to think the prog office.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wedding Card Not Cheesy


A small technical hitch ... Some photos are gone, I try to resolve the problem quickly!