The subject of radiotherapy Guéret will definitely spilled much ink, and probably is not finished.
The last Wednesday, October 13, 210 elected creusois are mounted in Paris, to bring 58,000 postcards signed by people to demonstrate peacefully for the re-opening of the Centre for Radiotherapy of Gueret.
Never before, had not been as creusois welded and united for a cause. The re-opening of the Centre for Radiotherapy is unanimity among the population et des élus, qui font corps face à l'adversité étatique et aux critères bureaucratiques qui animent cette dernière dans la décision ô combien arbitraire de fermer l'établissement creusois. La démonstration de l'utilité publique de ce service a été faite depuis bien longtemps.
Nos élus qui se déplaçaient afin de faire entendre aux autorités, la voix de leurs administrés, à l'instar des femmes de la Révolution qui allèrent chercher le roi à Versailles, furent reçus par les forces de l'ordre. Des méthodes que l'absolutisme d'antan n'aurait pas renié.
Quelle preuve de despostisme que d'envoyer des militaires à la rencontre des représentants du peuple ! Quelle dérive dans l'exercice et l'expression du pouvoir !
Nos élus, réunis au sein de l'Association des Maires et Adjoints de la Creuse, ont décidé après leur Assemblée Générale, de transmettre un courrier au Président de la République afin de leur faire part de leur indignation et de leur motivation à continuer le combat.
Et que dire de la réponse de ce dernier, impersonnelle, vulgaire, indigne de la stature que suggère une fonction aussi prestigieuse, que d'autres, avant lui, ont tenu avec beaucoup plus de classe et de panache !
Faced with this fight where it is genuinely and reasonably question of humanitarian creusois that lead to a man, the President of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, has not deigned to respond on his behalf, leaving that task to an obscure Chief of Staff, the text, full of disdain for conformity and sounds like an insult to the face of population Creuse.
Cynic, our president has only to note the letter of our elected officials, without further comment, or concern. What contempt under an unprecedented mobilization of our people. For, who lives in Creuse, it is not difficult to see the shortcomings Structural our department, and low supply which is in our materia medica. This shows the greed that prevails in the lives of Creuse, and say the fate that the state is preparing for us.
response to Nicolas Sarkozy. |
A sense of abandonment and disrespect transpires that letter that looks just like an estoppel on the part of Nicolas Sarkozy, who probably has a shortness of mobilization.
And yet the fight is not over. We, Creuse, do not have the right to letting go in this standoff. Because losing this fight is to lose them in advance that we will have to lead soon to safeguard the balance of our territories, to safeguard our public services for the defense of our rural and our people.
Because the subject of radiotherapy is a matter of public necessity that must be aggregated across the divisions and differences, I, as a Democrat , I say to the President of the Republic and who wants hear that I will not give up this cause, noble, because I respect and love my country, my people, and I want what is better and more just for them.
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