Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Color Hose To Wear With Black Skit And Shirt

Sign voters!

Because in Republic, and a fortiori in Democracy, the first of our rights is to say yes or say no, is simply to choose our political destiny.

This right to freely express themselves through the ballot box is a privilege that many envy us and we must not squander as acquired at the cost of thousands of lives.

Voting is the most important citizen action, as necessary. An election is an opportunity of a popular gathering point for which the voice of public opinion has the power to swing the fate of a nation! Let us no other choice and decide for us!

The next election for us are the cantonal elections of March 2011. So wait no longer. To be eligible to make things happen, you'll quickly register on the electoral roll in your town!

To be free to choose and s'entreprendre!


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