Monday, February 28, 2011

What Is The Hardest Tae Bo?

In Quebec, a party atmosphere! With the team of André Bélisle

André Bélisle honored Award-Guy Chartrand

Saint-Léon-de-Standon , February 24, 2011 - It is with joy and pride André Bélisle, president of the Quebec Association of fight against air pollution (AQLPA), received last week the price-Guy Chartrand,
category Action and support of users "*.

Given annually since 2006 by the Association Transport 2000, the Prize Guy Chartrand recognizes outstanding contributions of individuals to defend the users of public transit and to promote Efficient transport and sustainable.

is the great success of The Air! , which he is the instigator and manager in Quebec, which has earned this honor.

Since 2003, thanks to this program for the removal of vehicles from 1995 and earlier, more than 7,000 participants who left the car as a mode of transport in favor of public transport.

For the greater Montreal area, 30% of participants chose public transport and active rather than replace their old car. A big step for the air quality and fight climate change! " While I have ever given, that any team AQLPA, its staff and its supporters that it is! "was keen to stress André Bélisle.

Remember we talked about Saturday, December 4, 2010.
We hasten to follow such a great initiative from the ADEME : after all, why not grow so strong idea in France?

The team "Clean Air des Vosges' associated with the joy of the entourage of André Bélisle.
Congratulations to the Quebec Association of fight against air pollution (AQLPA).

To locate St. Leon de Standon Canada:

... and with a little perspective:


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nice Message For Wedding

Quiet Revolution - Abu Dhabi World Future Energy Summit - January 2011

More good news, obtained by Didier Grimonprez :
the compressed air moped !

© 2011 - Marouf Hussain

The inventor, Professor Armando Regusci , a scientist from Uruguay was able to expose its patented engine design at the World Summit Future Energy Abu Dhabi.


No! Technical and simple as the air.

But despite our best efforts, some have not encore compris comment ça marche.
Donco, comme ça ne va pas en Français, on leur explain in English, grâce à Monsieur le Professeur Armando Regusci :

Some knowledge of física.Unidades: MKS International System

Distance Metro = M

Mass Kilo = K

Second Time
= S

A kilometer is 1000 meters

Force an Kilo is the force exerted land on the mass of a kilo.

Energy is force times distance E = FXD

E = kilogrameter = Kgm is the force of one kilo in one meter away.

VW To move a less than 20 miles per hour speed we need 10 kilos of force and to move 100 miles away because we need 1000000 kgm force is 10 kilos and 100000 meters away or 10 x 100000 = 1000000 Kgm energy.
Boyle's law tells us that if the gas temperature is constant pressure and volume is constant.

P x V = K

atmospheric pressure is about 1 kilo on every square inch or 1 kg / cm

To go from K / cm ISPs have to multiply by 14.2

If we put 10 liters of air into a tank of one liter of volume that air is going to be at a pressure of 10 K / cm of pressure.

When we unpack a gas lose energy.

If we have a 40-liter tank at 3000 PSI or 3000/14.2 = 211.6 K / cm the energy in a liter to 211 K / cm is 9245 kgm energy tank is 40x9245 = 369838 Kgm,
if you unzip to 21.1 K / cm we have 10 times less pressure and volume 10 times more energy to 21.1 k / cm is 473.1 kgm and energy that we have now is only 40x10x473.1 = 189240 or is 189240 / 369838 x 100 = 51% of the energy we had.

Maldonado - 1997
That parcourus par ces chemins inventeurs tenacious!

And promised for those who do not always understand the explanations above, we will make a dialect version Strasbourg!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Samsung Scx-4521f Copier Toner Empty

We see much clearer. Component

Nominations cantonal for 2011 is closed since last Monday, and it is not less than five candidates who apply at the headquarters of General Counsel.

We thus find the line of departure, the outgoing General Counsel, Michel Monk ( PS), Claude Teyton ( D V D ), Mathieu Charvillat ( MoDem ), Jean-Marie Massias ( V D D) and Claudine Leporati ( FDG).

We note the absence of a National Front candidate on the ballot, both as the Aubusson entire department.

The campaign so far softies, promises to be lively, both in the political spectrum represented by the personality of the candidates, rough and pugnacious. That promises some theatrics and verbal.

Moreover, we will have the opportunity to battle through a debate broadcast on France Bleu Creuse, in partnership with the Mountain, to be held at the multipurpose hall Aubusson, Wednesday, March 2 next from 18H.

A democratic debate interesting perspective from which no one can escape, provided a talk time also equal and equitable is duly respected between each candidate ...

I give you rendez-vous à cette occasion.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dog Flaky Skill And Hair Loss

The plant-site sales of compressed air vehicles

For example, to produce the same number of classic car manufacturer that its assembly plant, he needs 50 plants MDI concept is:

The plant must be located on a site near a big city and if possible in an area with commercial activity. 15000m ² of land is sufficient to implement MDI plant.
o Floor area ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 4500 sq ft floor space
o Commercial ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 600 sqm
o Local productive ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .... O 4000 sq
Shopping ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .. 1 000 m²

o Only one third of the land surface is needed.
o Better distribution of the energy used for production.
o No pollution caused by transportation of finished vehicles.

On the economic and social
o The currency remains in the country> no need for change.
o Creation of local jobs> no population transfer.
o Sharing knowledge and expertise.

On the quality
o A car produced every half hour> careful production> quality. O Use

From a marketing perspective
o Purchase of locally manufactured cars (public administration)
o Decrease in import taxes (very high in some countries). On

o MDI plants are easy to manage small infrastructure (SMEs)
o logistical expenses drastically reduced
o No spare parts inventory. Spare parts are produced in "after-time"

* Note:
This document is not contractual and MDI reserves the right to change without notice.
The number of people in the site is 70 jobs Direct (+ approximately 400 indirect jobs off-site)

The data will be shown during the visit to the manufacturer and confirmed upon contract signing.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Milena Velba Hard Core?

Lithium-Ion & Recycling: The challenge to public authorities

According Renault, the construction of the plant lithium-ion batteries was launched in Portugal this month *.

recap about the issue of recycling for Public Authorities:

According to information available, * the Twizy ZE basic needs for its energy kW.h 7, 100 kg including batteries 1 kg Lithium

The Twizy ZE has a maximum range of 100 km measured 'NEDC ("New European Driving Cycle ") for electric vehicles. Let
50 km below the Smart Fortwo electric drive- intelligent, but did not specify what standard is used to normalize the data of autonomy.

Know that Renault ZE electric Fluence , sold 21,300 euros excluding battery and tax incentives of 5000 euros deducted ** [ is 26,300 euros excluding battery ], carries 250 kg for his battery.

For 2011-2012, here is the production of batteries provided by Renault, excluding other producers:

- Portugal (Cacia - North Lisbon) 50,000 batteries per year
- UK (Sunderland ) 60,000 batteries per year
France (Flins) 100,000 batteries per year

... an annual total of 210,000 batteries to 100 kg each.
So here we are, when consumption reaches its "cruising speed" ...
to 21 million kilograms of batteries for recycling, 21,000 tons of batteries per year ,
which 1% of lithium or 2,100 tons per year of lithium .

Maybe new jobs in perspective for dealing with such waste?
Except in France, the right-of-treatment centers for ultimate waste are limited
(it still does not extend to infinity!)

Below aerial photo of a center of garbage:

See also our article in the Tuesday, 30.11.2010:
" electric cars and battery recycling:
Who is willing to pay?

http://airpurdesvosges-leblog.blogspot .com/2010/11/voitures-electriques-et-recyclage-des.html

And let's go to an inhabitant of the municipality concerned ***

For punishment, I have already given

In front of my house, 40 ha of garbage coming from everywhere. We do not know what to do, so we hid them in the meantime ...

Suez, which owns the site asks the neighboring town to give him 10 acres of forest for continued expansion. Chic, I will not be punished only with my co-villagers ( 700 inhabitants). But the buggers

(villagers next door) do not let them do and are trying to derail the project of magnification. Question

just like that, the final waste coming from me, may be belong to you?

So the brave, leave your address so I can send one ounce of garbage each.

Meanwhile, it is fine to have something done with this legacy.

Already, according to a document published by the Arel, **** 1997 data showed an annual number of life vehicles (ELV) of 80,000 ELVs per year.

At 100 kg-battery-at least by ELV, here we are with at least 8,000 tons annual batteries to treatment solely Lorraine region if we move to all-electric.
Not famous, the choice between dioxin due to the fuel-transport and extension centers of garbage.

Talking jobs now:
according "La Tribune" from 18.02.2011 , like other French automakers, Renault now produces less than 20% of its cars in France.
(...) Number of vehicles produced outside of France but coming back in France. In 2010, about two thirds of Renault's cars registered in France came together ... foreign plants.

Madrid and Barcelona, the two largest cities in Spain, this week took
control measures against air pollution, particularly due to an anticyclone powerful
limiting the speed of cars or recommending to use public transport.
LEMONDE.FR with AFP the era of the "throw-away = full employment".
Like the wind that does not send bills, the air is a precious present economic difficulties are rediscovering the virtues of energy.
In a forthcoming paper, we explain the strategy resulting from the round with the socio-economic, including:

- organization of technical inspection of the site
MDI - the legal framework of the experiment full-scale project of social progress "Clean Air
Vosges " - taken from our contacts with investors motivated.
- o 0 o -




Thursday, February 17, 2011

Getting High Lidocaine

Education, online at the campaign site.

Après les questions de santé, et les personnes âgées, c'est un nouveau thème qui est mis à jour dans le cadre de la campagne des élections cantonales de Mars prochain : l'EDUCATION.

Une des thématiques prioritaires, car concernant l'avenir de notre jeunesse, car socle du futur de nos territoires.

J'affiche clairement mon soutien au combat mené par les professeurs et parents d'élèves pour la défense de nos options et de nos classes.

Par ailleurs, dans le cadre de compétence du Conseil Général, trois propositions pour optimiser et les conditions d'enseignement et les conditions of life for our students: the menu, electronic schoolbag, awareness and prevention, the fight against obesity in our children through school canteens.

Places here.

Keratin Hair Treatment Nursing Mothers

Air Compressed Records and speed on the Bonneville Salt Lake (Utah)

Have you ever heard media have on the exploits of "The Triplets of Bonneville

? These are vehicles that use engines from MDI to break speed records on the Bonneville Salt Flats (Bonneville Salt Flats - Utah), just off the town of Wendover on the Nevada border.
A sweet revenge for the X-Prize Challenge which MDI had been excluded.

To locate the track record, click here!, -113.89552 & spn = 0.3,0.3 & q = 40.762522, -113.89552 & hl = en

Here one comment on their guestbook:

Impressive number of records they have fought well. For their sponsors, click here!

Subsequently, by clicking here! # projet2010

Bottom Less Pit Hair Like Women

"The shuttle peaks in the garage (for 2011)

Click here for the complete page!

The newspaper "Morning-Vosges" title: ""
lack of resources, the Park of the Balloons has decided to discontinue this summer testing the shuttles. But other solutions are being considered in 2012 even more ambitious "
© Vosges Morning At the request of Mr.
Mayor of La Petite-Fosse
following publication of this morning Thursday, 17.02.2011, so we contacted the service
Mr. President Regional Natural Park of Ballons des Vosges to report who's sister projects based on the idea proposed since May-June 2010. It seems to us that the bus modular compressed air
is a valid option to be tested in transport to the peaks of the Vosges.

Indeed, the "Clean Air Vosges
" is explicitly a contribution in principle to mobilize all local resources, landscape, forest, water , natural environments, men and know-how to meet both the challenges of economic change, unemployment and diversifying the local economy,
... as well as those related to energy control to fight against climate change, more broadly, sustainable development.

Middle urban public transport consisting of a front steering module which may attach additional modules of 4 m long and 25 passengers each, as required. The same concept also applies to road haulage. They will be offered for leasing authoritées concerned at a lower cost than the current diesel for their buses. This will save such as free transit pourra être envisagé. Source : Didier Grimonprez
Ci-dessous, Monsieur Guy Nègre avec les véhicules à air comprimé.

Tous droits réservés ©MDI et Double-vue

L'expérimentation a duré... onze ans.
Assez pour dresser le bilan d’un concept novateur, destiné à préserver les chaumes vosgiennes de l’afflux de voitures. Trop sans doute pour convaincre les financeurs du projet de poursuivre ce qui était censé n’être a ... experience.

In late summer 2010, the shuttle Crest, initiated by the Regional Park has stopped.
And it will not resume the road on sunny days.

For more information, click here!
Meanwhile investors, this is a proposal for mass transit to Peaks:

© "Clean Air des Vosges" - All rights reserved

100% Green & Investments has reduced minimum!

- o O o - *

See also our articles:

A bus air for Tain, Vosges?
and compressed air to run buses

To download technical information, thank you click here:

https: / / / viewform? hl = en & formkey dE9DcVh1bmdpYTM1bXQ3czl0VlVVR3c6MQ # = gid = 0

Source :

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ranger's Apprentice Australian Version Vs. Us

Diesel Prices - Highest level since September 2008

France. The price of diesel $ 1.30 € per liter on average February 14, 2011 at 5:07 p.m.
A liter of diesel at the pump was sold last week to nearly 1.30 euro in France, its highest level since September 2008 *, according to the latest statistics from the Directorate General for Energy and Climate (DGEC) published Monday on the Internet. The diesel fuel used by most French (78% of sales), has sold exactly at 1.2999 euros per liter inclusive of all taxes on average, its highest level since the week ended September 12 2008. The historical record of diesel rises to 30 May 2008 to 1.4541 euro / liter.

The gasoline prices have meanwhile moved in opposite directions last week. The price of super unleaded 95 has declined slightly to 1.4574 Euro / liter, while super unleaded 98 has increased to 1.4914 euro / liter on average. The gas prices had reached record highs in June 2008, at 1.4971 euro / liter for unleaded 95 and 1.5326 for unleaded 98. Prices at the pump are supported by soaring crude oil prices.

Better news: the testing of vehicles to cleaner air in the north-eastern France

To be continued ...

- o 0 o -
Update from Monday, 28.02.2011.

price 354 stations in 109 indicated a total of 122 Vosges

* 1207186.php-

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Upper Back Pain In Pregnancy

No to the closure of our classes in Aubusson!

echoes In the article I wrote last January, you can find by clicking on this link , an online petition to fight against the closure of our branches, and our classes, by the parent of a student of Eugene High School Jamot Aubusson.

Like me, do not hesitate to show your disapproval of the school map unveiled, and feel not to sign this petition!

access to education for promoting equality of opportunity in rural areas!

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Fix Snowboard Epoxy

Planning trips and public meetings to come.

Everything starts in St Pardoux le Neuf:

  • March 7: Public meeting at St Pardoux The Nine, 19 hours.
  • March 8: Public meeting at St Maixant 19 hours.
  • March 9: Public meeting Néoux 19 hours.
  • March 10: Public Counsel CPAM 23 - Aubusson 9.30 - 14h.
  • March 10: General Meeting of Young Farmers - Ahun, 14h-17h.
  • March 10: Public Meeting St Amand, 19 hours.

  • March 14: Public meeting at St Mark's Frongia 19 hours.
  • March 15: Public meeting Blessac 19 hours.
  • March 16: Public meeting Alleyrat 19 hours.
  • March 17: Public meeting at St Alpinien 19 hours.
  • March 18: Public meeting at St Avitus of Tardes, 19 hours.
The date and place of public meeting to be held in Aubusson be determined.

Other events can be added to this calendar, in which case, the changes will be updated on this blog.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Afghani Wedding Invitations

Investors, clean vehicles involved - News 09.02.2011 at

As we have said so earlier, the Advancement Project
that drives this blog.

This morning we had an appointment with the Mayor of Rambervillers Gerard Keller to collect the information of a similar project, already mentioned in your blog.

Here MM.
JM Cuny and Michel Escom
the imposing building, on the long history,
Rambervillers of the town hall.
Our readers will now probably be happy to learn that we prepare in this very moment, an innovative experiment * in scale, the concept of "Clean Air Vosges
. .. consisting in changing with motor vehicles emit zero grams of CO2 per kilometer, available to persons under the RSA, possibly equipped with driver's licenses paid by the community in the territory of reference.

for the Department
and for Region. Ah ... we almost forgot ADEME, which just tell us she was only interested in projects with payback time investments of less than 2 years, in cases such as for vertical axis wind turbines.
Yes, yes, you read correctly: ROI = 2 years! ... and we did repeat our interlocutor to give him time to weigh his words.
We let the readers judge the seriousness.

Moreover, as they need to appreciate the technical issue, we gave them the blog address to proceed, after registration at this kind of requests.
This is part of our quality.
Several blog readers have already been able to easily obtain highly technical information through this channel, it should not be insurmountable to our new friend. FYI, here is the rising trend in the number of readers of this blog. In this scheme, the purple arrow shows the current trend of Wednesday, February 9, 2011.

We see the growing interest of people growing who (re-) discover compressed air vehicles and
vertical axis wind turbines. Imagine if
omerta had not existed.
So thank you Internet, Readers, thank you nice!

Another good news
one of the elect who were kind enough to let us present the project of social progress, just tell us this morning the same magnificent industrial space
likely to host a plant for MDI compressed air vehicles

Context is remarkably favorable with local industry particularly oriented towards the automotive sector, SME and SOHO
dynamics, which have already proven themselves.
Here, attached an aerial view. To our loyal readers, guess where it is and send us an e-mail your idea. AirPurDesVosges.LeBlog @

As and when possible answers, we will give you additional keys here.

Note to Investors:
servicing specially equipped does not appear on the aerial view, but on the pictures below.
More information on request, with your name, address and phone: AirPurDesVosges.LeBlog @

first clue:
Terrain features lead us to propose a frame according to the criteria of eco / biocontruction

So good looking!

* " And the factory tour of MDI - Carros?
article of Thursday, February 3, 2011 Tour-de-Dusina noon-carros.html
** " Investors: news

The historical context of the Air Car
" article of Sunday, December 12, 2010 http://
" Videos related to the project of social progress" Clean Air Vosges

Sample Letter Not Renewing Contract

Oil & Offenses d'initiés : la panique organisée ... jusqu'à quand ?

The British newspaper" The Guardian

"has released yesterday, Tuesday, February 8, 2011, one of countless telegrams society Wikileaks.

Wikileaks cables:
- Saudi Arabia cannot Enough oil pump to keep a lid on Price
- U.S. diplomat convinced by Saudi That expert reservations of World's Biggest oil exporting Have Been overstated by Nearly 40%

What can be translated as
Wikileaks announces:
- Saudi Arabia can not pump enough oil to maintain a price ceiling. the world's largest exporter of oil were overestimated by almost 40% .

The team "Clean Air Vosges
" reassure you, at least on one point: in fact, the information is supposed to have been issued in December 2007
Ie before the big spike in prices

Cependant, il convient d'examiner : 1. que si, d'une part, il est constant depuis des lustres que les dirigeants des pays producteurs de pétrole alertent les autres pays sur la consommation mondiale effrénée, voire irraisonnée, de cette énergie fossile,

Dr Sadad al-Husseini, ex n°2 de l’Aramco [DR]

2. que, d'autre part, les cours de la Bourse à l'époque, laissent constater que certaines dispositions avaient été "
" prises en bourse, ... tout juste after message transmission. 3. and then, it was the French and Europeans who then paid dearly, their fuel at the pump.

In French, this suggests very strongly

insider trading.
This also raises another question: when the deception end?

course, first Wikileaks is a very controversial source of information on topics largely stale at the time of the recent publication of the so-called "scoops
"but secondly the fact remains that the U.S. government or Saudis do not deny anything. And these are indeed the weaker social strata of our society who have suffered the brunt of, without economic benefit to our production companies. Accumulated
with the requirements of the repayment of the "debt" service, the financial burden becomes unbearable for a more and more people, businesses and local authorities.

Gold is in a "

uninhibited" (to borrow an aphorism became comical) that the socio-economic fair directly based on the principles issued by the Council
National Resistance of 1945
was systematically demolished by 1972
. It would be very instructive to know who took the initiative financially destructive devices registered since in certain organic laws in France, in the Maastricht Treaty and the Lisbon agenda.

How long does it last?

In our opinion, topics like oil prices, insider trading partners, etc.. ... as well as other topics such as pollution dioxin-related motor vehicle current (
those affecting pasture along the road
), lung cancer, pollution of soil and air will find, for the most sustainable solutions through the line energy "

Clean Air "and through the air car.

And you, what say you? / 2011/feb/08/oil-saudiarabia? intcmp = 239

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Best Unrated Movie List

An early program unveiled: Management of Health and the dependence of our seniors. From

Several themes are priorities for our county that must be the flag bearer, the backbone of South Creusois.

Health and dependency management of the elderly are those priorities.

We need to strengthen our health facilities and outreach to develop with the needs of our population, needs that should be targeted at the fair.

We have a duty to assist our seniors in their old age to provide them with decent living conditions and decent. A new type of establishment may be considered for maintain the social cohesion of our seniors and slow the process of isolation and désociabilisation that can cause aging.

All these topics are presented and developed through the campaign website, under "my program". Follow this link .
Feel free to tell you about these subjects to participate in discussions on these important issues. All your contributions are welcome.

Coming: Economics - Education - Agriculture.