Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Green Xanax Bars Are The Best

Entre progrès social et "Dette" publique, il faut choisir :

One of the challenges of the Draft Social Progress is to obtain funding to conduct an experiment in scale or even why not advance the money to take action to build the plants clean vehicles. This

in the context of a statement that has escaped today with any elected:

http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/2010/ 09/28/97002-20100928FILWWW00566-baroincollectivites-gel-des-dotations.php

http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2011/02/01/97001-20110201FILWWW00515-dotations-d-etat Sarkozy defends-le-gel.php

I will not accept the idea that one day France will make the handle because it has so many deficits that our notes would be degraded and would be incapable of paying the debt of all previous governments, left and right wing, "said Mr Sarkozy before the county council of mayors of Cher
. Nicolas Sarkozy, Tuesday 1 February 2011, before the mayors of Cher,

and its decision to freeze the state grants to local governments.

"Debt" service?

Well let's talk, for example, using statistics from the INSEE

We note that based on data from INSEE, more and more people understand now that if we had not had to borrow to pay interest, then we would have almost no debt
In fact, as everyone knows not necessarily given the omerta of the obvious large French press on this topic,
"Debt" public
gangrene economic activity of France since

the application of a law passed in conditions somewhat incredible.
For it is indeed, 2 lines of this Law No. 73-7 of 3 January 1973 the Bank of France , which will bleed the finances of France.

Art 25: The Treasury can not be a presenter of its own effects in the Bank of France.

Why a suicidal act in the long term, and how did we do before?

An early explanation, announced with a lot of press conferences, when in 2006 , the finance minister, Thierry Breton sponsoring a study publique baptisée "
Commission Pébereau " pour - selon le propos de ce ministre - une totale transparence du problème aux yeux du public Français.

Pour zoomer, cliquez sur l'image !

Cette analyse, forcément brillante, puisque venant d'un des plus hauts personnages de l'État (comme ancien directeur de la BNP*), pose néanmoins quelques problèmes graves : ►Les courbes financières de cet opuscule ne remontent quasiment never beyond the year 1980 as if the "debt" service was sprung ex nihilo, or as if he had to focus on the year 1981. ►
Was not heavily involved in 1972 and 1973, as an individual in the development of this law? ► His book of 188 pages was really intended in 2006 to be read and understood by the majority of our citizens? result
billion euros in 1590: the amount charged in December 2010 with the French.
And do not stop:
By Helene Favier , published November 25, 2010 at 2:38 p.m. Updated November 25, 2010 at 17:56

a loan to pay civil servants

France has borrowed " emergency "
930 000 000
to pay the salaries of certain officials.

But if we stick to the explanations on his blog by another person, particularly involved in
1972 and 1973

, always as individuals, in developing this legislation,
... namely the former president, Valery Giscard d'Estaing ,

The reform of the statutes of the Banque de France, adopted under President Georges Pompidou and when I was Minister of Finance, is a modern reform which transposed in France the practice in all major countries: it was at that time to be a genuine securities market in the short, medium and long term, whether issued by a public or private entity. The possibility of direct loan from the Bank of France to the Exchequer generated wherever it was applied to a situation of permanent monetary inflation. "
http://vge-europe.eu/index.php?post/2008/07/25/Reponse-de-VGE # comments

However, monetary inflation is permanent .. . since 1973!
what any trainee accountant could predict whether the method recommended at the time had just been explained, 40 years ago.
Example: 2008, page 7:
"one of the most famous was the bonds' debt
(. ..).
to 6 billion
francs borrowed 1973, the state has finally paid total (original amount plus interest) 80 billion francs in 1988 . "

A disturbing question, now, for the French who made them confidence:
" Giscard Pébereau: what credibility? "

INSEE http://www.insee.fr/fr/themes/comptes-nationaux/souschapitre.asp?id=61 Table 3341
Faced with evidence, Some local authorities have, after careful consideration, decided unilaterally to stop the payments required under the pretext of "debt" service.
Moreover, the
Iceland is one of those nations that have recently rebelled against the siphoning of public finances, policy makers have escaped, but are still subject to prosecution.

Our conclusion is that:
► contrast to the debate of " repayment of public debt ", obscures - strangely enough, the rest - the debate Major
the legitimacy of the "debt" public there is money in public coffers, and it requires that banks lend to businesses. ► Some do, but none of the major banks ... who chose to invest in paradise traders and offshore! ►
This mechanism was in slid into national economies, leading to a vicious viceux called "debt-money".

► We must stop living beyond its means: the waste oil is the archetype of reasoning " was always like that, so ... "

The figures given by INSEE and the truncated explanations on the public debt, we must obviously lead to an optimism based on the question of the legitimacy of this very doubtful debt.
The reality is that France continues to produce wealth, but can not afford to pour this financial drain let us remember: artificial) is not as detached living beyond its capabilities, it must give free rein to innovations such as the Draft Social Progress,
... "Clean Air des Vosges.
Honestly, the Land of Déodatie and the Vosges department can they count on the state to get out of debt which was imposed for 40 years? ► In fact, since this money goes to the Bank of France, national property, or goes - t - it? ► Are we in one of these departments as the preferred Hauts-de-Seine have the luxury to flout the laws on social housing?
The speech of the President of the Republic, Tuesday, 1 February 2011, the bell tolls illusions.
► Innovation is perhaps the contrary, anticipate social spending, helping to finance the construction of support facilities compressed air vehicles, real savings deposits, and whose economic performance is being broken down into Switzerland and Luxembourg, with the construction of buildings .

► With the rising cost of fuel at the pump in 2008, everyone spontaneously reduces its speed ... to save fuel. ►
This had another impact that significantly reduce the severity of accidents - far more effective than repression by police radar or roadside.

70 emplois créés par usine modulaire, et 400 emplois indirects,

... on en construit deux, on en construit trois ?

Entre progrès social et "Dette" publique, il faut choisir.




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