Saturday, December 30, 2006

Teacher Travel Grants

The end?? (dimanche 24 décembre 2006)

I leave the train. I'm back, it's over!
These few months were so full that I did not see the time slip.
I have not aged or do not feel old, as in Peter Pan, the play I saw this Saturday. To complete the adventure, I could not ask for more, this story was, unintentionally, some kind of thread to London.
I saw so much, met so many people lived so many adventures that I can return to Brussels as if nothing had happened.
Hinge essential perhaps, there will be a before and after I come back pumped up to realize personal projects and start other challenges.
But London is haunting and it is certainly not a farewell. For a day or more, I still often pass. And even if I felt cramped, ...

Note: this is the last post. You can still come and post a comment, click the pictures to enlarge, read a text or a page, or blog. In short, this space is still available for you. Go ahead!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

What Moves Does Ash's Aipom Know

Gothic (vendredi 22 décembre 2006)

I must confess. I missed some places inevitable. Or at least important visits. The abbey is one. I wanted to sacrifice few hours a week to visit Westminster Abbey, but to no avail.
I'll find at most a few moments to view the exterior and capture on film. And this gothic building is an overview of the architectural riches available to thousands of pilgrims visiting the British capital every year.

Within months, it is impossible to see all the buildings, museums and other exhibits available to the general public: Buckingham Palace, not seen. War Museum, missed. The parliament, forgotten.
I could still catch me and discover the Tate Modern. And yesterday, I attended the ballet le Lac de Cygnes, de Tchaïkovsky, autre moment de grâce. Sans être adepte inconditionnel de la danse, je dois dire que ce fut une révélation d'assister à ce ballet.

Je décompte les jours et j'ai peine à m'imaginer que cela va finir bientôt. Le paradis perdu...?

Sunday, December 24, 2006

How To Makes Someone's Life Miserable

Goodbye, and good luck! (jeudi 21 décembre 2006)

I am in the Victoria metro for the umpteenth time in the direction of my house last student of the week and year.
As I sat I did not realize it right away. But a quick glance is enough ... My neighbor is a bearded man.

And then? Am I barbophobe? I will elaborate a complex with a hairy face?
Not at all! And no doubt that if it 's stopped there, I do not talk to you.
But now, he is more like Arabic.
"But, my word is racist," I already hear it in the cottages.
NO, no, no! But ... such circumstances before July 7, 2005 would have made me do not even react. But when you sit next to an Arab with a beard, wearing his backpack on his knees in a London Underground, and he pulls out his laptop, you recognize that it is hard not to think about it. I know lots of people sitting wearing a backpack on her lap, but it's stronger than anything.
And I would be very upset.

First, because seated at this point, I think that it would be easy to find pieces to bring to the family.
Then it bother me to go there now. I have two, three basic things to do on Earth, anyway.
And also, students waiting for me and I wish him farewell, as I have done with others throughout the week.
He, moreover, is really a nice little guy. I always went with great pleasure, without the feet of lead. The current was really well. And the feeling was mutual.

It happened before to collect only for one or another of my students, j'aurai compté dans leur vie.
Sentiment étrange que de penser que dans dix, vingt, peut-être cinquante ans, non seulement ces enfants ne m'auront pas oublié, mais que j'aurai sans doute contribué pour une petite partie à leur devenir.
Je devine que pour beaucoup je ne serai qu'un vague souvenir, un type qu'ils ont vu passer dans leur vie, sans plus. Pour d'autres (j'espère le moins possible) peut-être un mauvais moment de leur scolarité. Mais pour quelques uns, je resterai une personne qui leur aura donné envie d'apprendre, qui aura ouvert des portes, qui aura créé une relation de confiance et même, difficile de parler d'amitié dans un rapport prof-élève but a feeling that it brings ...
During this lesson (yes, the detonator of the bomb did not work), reviewing the different time learned, I asked to make sentences in the future. And he replied: "When we're old, there will be yet."

Tomorrow I'll get up otherwise.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Yellow Cervical Mucus 3 Weeks After Period

Hostel (mercredi 20 décembre 2006)

A quick analysis would produce surprising results, and totally wrong.
In transit, a relatively large amount of commuters sleeping at any hour of the day.

We may too easily conclude that the Londoner has to sleep much. Others might even consider him lazy. Some more enlightened believer show that it is a problem of bedding, English quality in this area may be poor. The latest attempt clumsily to see further evidence of the Anglo-Saxon decadence.
It is not. The reason is more pragmatic: since the Londoners must often travel long distances to go to work, they catch up for lost time under the duvet on the sofa or subways buses. Besides to live decently in London, the scheme of thirty-five hours is not conceivable.
Do not think so far they are unhappy, sad, oppressed, or any other pejorative adjective. They are just tired.

For me also, with the apartment found Putney Vale , routes for work have become longer, while adding that the job requires frequent travel. I am therefore also arrived asleep in one or another subway train.
To avoid this and restrict movement, such as rental came due, I choice for days to spend at the hotel.
Not to expensive tastes, but to get closer to the center, and maximize the time at the end of the year.
I'm not Ritz, but in a small hotel run by Pakistanis, offering very decent rooms with a nice view of an interior street, and offering a full English breakfast as I expected.
I am ten minutes from Hyde Park , and five minutes from the building Orange Paddington .
It also allowed me to break the age-old metro-boulot-dodo.
was necessary to stay awake because ...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Outlet Marithe François Girbaud Boston

Shopping (vendredi 15 décembre 2006)

Noël approche. Le temps des cadeaux, et donc des courses aussi. Et depuis quelques semaines, les effets se font sentir. Un vrai monde de malades! Le samedi, Oxford street est devenue une véritable folie. Déjà en temps normal, mais alors en décembre... On dirait que tous les Londoniens, Anglais, peut-être même tous les Européens se sont donnés rendez-vous sur cette artère.
Imaginez des extraterrestres en train d'observer le manège de Piccadilly jusqu'à Oxford Circus . Ils doivent bien laugh to see all these people excited in a small perimeter.

In my case, there is no way to make my purchases at that time. I see the crowd from the second GATE bus, returning from work on Saturday is enough. Especially since all the shopping areas are affected by this madness trade. So I make my shopping at another time, weekdays between classes! I have the chance to give rein to George Street, a few blocks from Oxford Street . At lunchtime, so I'm starting to attack the shopping, avoiding the crowd of the weekend.
Then I went par l'inévitable Harrods , avec des escalators majestueux, dont celui décoré façon égyptienne, des immenses salles dédiées à la consommation, regroupant ici les produits alimentaires du monde entier, là-bas les jouets des quatre coins de la planète, ici encore les objets décoratifs, et j'en passe.

Et j'y suis presque. J'ai presque tout acheté. Pour mon frère en Belgique j'ai trouvé ... qui pourra ..., mes parents recevront un ... et aussi une ... tandis que mon autre frère découvrira sous le sapin des ... pour aller ... Mes neveux et nièces s'amuseront sans doute grâce à ... et aux ...
Et ma belle soeur devra ... pour that ...
is not beautiful?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Oxford And Sadlier Level E Unit Review

Jack, Kate and Co (jeudi 14 décembre 2006)

I not only read books (in French, yes, I know!), But the English free dailies are another source of reading that load of me ... inform??

Thus the One of these days is primarily devoted to the new "Jack The Ripper " of Ipswich, this criminal is still wanted by the police has already claimed five victims in the middle of the prostitution (you saw the paraphrase I just used to avoid to say "whores"? This blog is for all ages, so I must be careful not to use offensive words such as "division of Belgium").
Not that I'm interested (I have an alibi for the five days), we must recognize that research of this crazy exchange endless setbacks and torque junkie addicted Pete Doherty, singer of I do not know which group, and Kate Moss , anorexic model who invaded length editing the pages of newspapers gartuits Londonpaper , Lite or Metro .
With mouths of misfits and alcoholics, heroin, they have power attraction on the media quite staggering. That their find is there to speak as often of detoxification, their amorous escapades on the lawn of the hospital which is treating Doherty (you've seen again paraphrasing? But soooo, pranks etc.., For " fuck "), the last exit tipsy, the boyfriend Pete falling from a balcony, ... Nothing is spared. Pathetic!

Seriously a good scandal to the Royal House of Windsor that changes registry and laughs!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Cell Respiration Carolina Lab Answers

Book's délire (mardi 12 décembre 2006)

We had to take me for a crazy.
Given the sometimes long wait for some public transport (no, not as much as BITS), I decided to resume the habit of always having a book about my story does not show the time spent and occupy the waiting intelligently.

The end of the day approached, near 9:00, I had a bus to catch to get home.
At the bus stop, as it is captivating, I leave the book in my pocket and there, on page 232, it has started.
I am filled with an unstoppable laughter.
I do not know why, but when I laugh without selected, I cry ... I mean, I shed tears (of joy, no doubt).
Two young blacks who see me laugh, in turn, either me or the situation to see someone laugh while reading a book. Another lady smiled too, thinking maybe the gentle craziness is not dangerous.
But nothing to do, I leave the handkerchief, and with difficulty, I manage to calm the crisis of laughter. I no longer laughed so long.

It must be said that the move was just too huge.
In this excerpt, Daphne du Maurier, author, father of English but French, describes with irony the education system American religious trying to establish themselves in a corner of Angeterre during the '70s. Hilarious!
MAD tells the story of an old actress living with her adopted children to the seaside in Cornwall. When she sees the arrival of U.S. ships and helicopters ...
I still laugh!

Average Price For Car Starter Repair

The party (dimanche 10 décembre 2006)

The calendar is loaded. Just finished the concert, I continue with the sequel. Despite le fait que nous sommes dimanche, je me lève à 6:30, histoire de ne pas rater le train de 9:00 qui m'emmènera à Gloucester pour la Christmas party de Lingua . Bien que je ne sois pas un grand adepte des repas professionnels, j'ai accepté ici pour plusieurs raisons.

Premièrement, Lingua s'est limité à faire une proposition. Tu viens, ou tu ne viens pas, peu importe.
Deuxièmement, c'était une occasion de rencontrer les autres professeurs, puisque qu'en temps normal nous ne nous voyons pas.
Troisièmement, je pouvais à nouveau vivre une journée « à la campagne » anglaise, s'aérer outside London.
Finally, as I leave in a few weeks, I take the time to thank the boss.

leaving, I realize that the morning is cold. For the first time, the gel has done its work on the fields.
To my luck, the train that I take more than an hour later is not well heated. In other words, I quail! Fortunately I have my book to pass the time. Because in most, the journey is long, very long: more than two hours, with a change!
Did I have a good idea to accept? Yes, I'm not wrong!

Children's "director" come get me at the station, I am the second and when I get home, I will give a kitchen hand with the dishes and chatting with the first guest, a college friend of the boss.
Soon, no less than thirty-five guests find themselves in this house, and I do not know by what enchantment, a warm atmosphere emanates directly from the guests. Magic, I remember the atmosphere of my first British visit in September. Here is even better.
A fire in the fireplace and forget the rain outside, a home-cooked meal made in good humor, professors Italian, French, friends, guests conversing in English or French, we really the impression of being part of a family.
Nothing compulsory, nothing forced, everything was in a pleasant and charming things to present.
Finally, around 4:30 p.m. I left them almost sadly.
Fortunately, the return train was warmer. Or was I?

Poptropica Nabooti Temple

Oh, happy days?? (samedi 09 décembre 2006)

I sometimes wonder how life fits. Are we born under a lucky star or not? Yesterday, there was something to ask. Early in the day, I knew something did not turn round.

The morning class had been moved, and it was fortunate for me. I ordered a ticket to the concert Placebo at Wembley Arena , great room seats 12 500. But the place still had not arrived at the old address of Hampstead. Then on Thursday I had already moved for nothing, the roommate was not there and the other student not knowing where the mail was, I had to return Friday morning.
He gave me the key as it was over, and when I open the mail at the apartment, I should note that the ticket was still there ...
The student told me that if the ticket was not in his room, maybe I should go to the post to remove it.
I went there, ten minutes walk away, I waited in the queue so long, then I heard that I had to go to another office near the hospital. I waited for a bus, I went there, and there they told me it's probably lost or damaged and that I must complete a form for a claim. What I have done all this for that? As I ordered on the Internet, I had no phone, no address, was disaster! I had only an email confirmation that the ticket had been sent.
the running time, and I had more time to go to Wembley, the courts would no longer delay.
I still had to eat with a friend, make photocopies for the evening, it became impossible mission.

Meanwhile, I received one more call from Lingua . Student Orange waited impatiently to begin the course.
I rang him, I told him I had requested that the course be assigned to another teacher because I had more time on myself. Obviously this was not the act, by poor communication, from me or the secretary. After three phone calls to try to arrange the drums, everything is back to normal thankfully.
Yes, but still no ticket.

Yet yang intervenes to redress the balance.
So this Saturday, after the morning classes, I'm off to Wembley. It is already two-twenty, the roads being arch roof of the world to the holiday.
A good place to begin the booking office of Wembley is already open.
I begin to recount my mishap, and to my amazement, things improve quickly: just go back to 6:30, with the prelates in the mail that I printed, and in exchange he would give me a replacement ticket, canceling the first.
Good news!

The second good news arrived in the morning, when I worked for the last time it seems that I left a good memory because the manager told me there would always be a place for me. Cest good to hear.

And that's not all. I met the wife of a colleague, a university professor who teaches film analysis of cinema. As chance would have it too, I had submitted my script, just to get an enlightened view on the subject.
She told me when he is not there, that her husband found it fantastic, what I will confirm later, advancing several items that proved he had clearly read.
I'm happy, you think, that he liked and I'm sure we'll meet next Wednesday to improve some details. In a few days in fact, he returned to North Carolina, returning to his post at the American University.

The balance of the two days equilibrates famously, do not you think?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Installing Ridgeline Back Up

Belgian taste ( mercredi 06 décembre 2006)

I could not let a day like this. Even in London. On December 6 has a special significance for the Belgians. As if Christmas was not enough, we celebrate this holy year by offering gifts "to good children." So I decided to give myself a "Zoli" gift I bought myself a treat for my Belgian St Nicolas!

And it was not too difficult to find a product by Belgium: at the races, I realize that several products are highlighted with the name belgian , and it works: Belgian pâté, belgian chocolate, belgian biscuits, belgian beer, belgian and waffel ...

Belgian waffel! Remember the sign Vigaufra who sold us the waffle with sugar or chocolate to 18 BEF * in 1980, near the Place de la Monnaie! Then Belgaufre took over and prices have risen steadily.
I just offer me a real, warm, with sugar, in the glossy paper to avoid burning your fingers!
Ah, "I tasted it" (a term typically Belgian!).

* € 0.44