The calendar is loaded. Just finished the concert, I continue with the sequel. Despite le fait que nous sommes dimanche, je me lève à 6:30, histoire de ne pas rater le train de 9:00 qui m'emmènera à Gloucester pour la Christmas party de Lingua . Bien que je ne sois pas un grand adepte des repas professionnels, j'ai accepté ici pour plusieurs raisons.
Premièrement, Lingua s'est limité à faire une proposition. Tu viens, ou tu ne viens pas, peu importe.
Deuxièmement, c'était une occasion de rencontrer les autres professeurs, puisque qu'en temps normal nous ne nous voyons pas.
Troisièmement, je pouvais à nouveau vivre une journée « à la campagne » anglaise, s'aérer outside London.
Finally, as I leave in a few weeks, I take the time to thank the boss.
leaving, I realize that the morning is cold. For the first time, the gel has done its work on the fields.
To my luck, the train that I take more than an hour later is not well heated. In other words, I quail! Fortunately I have my book to pass the time. Because in most, the journey is long, very long: more than two hours, with a change!
Did I have a good idea to accept? Yes, I'm not wrong!
Children's "director" come get me at the station, I am the second and when I get home, I will give a kitchen hand with the dishes and chatting with the first guest, a college friend of the boss.
Soon, no less than thirty-five guests find themselves in this house, and I do not know by what enchantment, a warm atmosphere emanates directly from the guests. Magic, I remember the atmosphere of my first British visit in September. Here is even better.
A fire in the fireplace and forget the rain outside, a home-cooked meal made in good humor, professors Italian, French, friends, guests conversing in English or French, we really the impression of being part of a family.
Nothing compulsory, nothing forced, everything was in a pleasant and charming things to present.
Finally, around 4:30 p.m. I left them almost sadly.
Fortunately, the return train was warmer. Or was I?
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