I am in the Victoria metro for the umpteenth time in the direction of my house last student of the week and year.
As I sat I did not realize it right away. But a quick glance is enough ... My neighbor is a bearded man.
And then? Am I barbophobe? I will elaborate a complex with a hairy face?
Not at all! And no doubt that if it 's stopped there, I do not talk to you.
But now, he is more like Arabic.
"But, my word is racist," I already hear it in the cottages.
NO, no, no! But ... such circumstances before July 7, 2005 would have made me do not even react. But when you sit next to an Arab with a beard, wearing his backpack on his knees in a London Underground, and he pulls out his laptop, you recognize that it is hard not to think about it. I know lots of people sitting wearing a backpack on her lap, but it's stronger than anything.
And I would be very upset.
First, because seated at this point, I think that it would be easy to find pieces to bring to the family.
Then it bother me to go there now. I have two, three basic things to do on Earth, anyway.
And also, students waiting for me and I wish him farewell, as I have done with others throughout the week.
He, moreover, is really a nice little guy. I always went with great pleasure, without the feet of lead. The current was really well. And the feeling was mutual.
It happened before to collect only for one or another of my students, j'aurai compté dans leur vie.
Sentiment étrange que de penser que dans dix, vingt, peut-être cinquante ans, non seulement ces enfants ne m'auront pas oublié, mais que j'aurai sans doute contribué pour une petite partie à leur devenir.
Je devine que pour beaucoup je ne serai qu'un vague souvenir, un type qu'ils ont vu passer dans leur vie, sans plus. Pour d'autres (j'espère le moins possible) peut-être un mauvais moment de leur scolarité. Mais pour quelques uns, je resterai une personne qui leur aura donné envie d'apprendre, qui aura ouvert des portes, qui aura créé une relation de confiance et même, difficile de parler d'amitié dans un rapport prof-élève but a feeling that it brings ...
During this lesson (yes, the detonator of the bomb did not work), reviewing the different time learned, I asked to make sentences in the future. And he replied: "When we're old, there will be yet."
Tomorrow I'll get up otherwise.
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