Bienvenue à nos visiteurs du jour - 31.01.2011
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Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Sample Opening Prayer For A Seminar
L'air comprimé pour faire marcher des bus
A short historical reminder:
The engineer Louis Mékarski ** who perfected the system, involving compressed air and superheated water under pressure, and went fully operational in order to equip tram networks. It was used on trams in Paris from 1876 to 1879 on the network of Trams North. By 1878 the entire network of trams in Nantes was equipped with compressed air vehicles until 1917 that gave satisfaction. From 1890, other cities trams Mékarski tool up as Berne (1890) [1], Vichy (1895), Aix-les-Bains (1896), La Rochelle (1899) and Saint-Quentin ( 1901).
La mise en œuvre sur l'automobile a fait aussi l'objet de quelques réalisations.
" C’est en 1879, sur la ligne Doulon-Chantenay (agglomération de Nantes) que la propulsion à air comprimé fut appliquée pour la première fois aux transports vicinaux.
En effet, dès 1872, Mekarski avait cherché à transformer une locomotive produite par les ateliers du Creusot. C’est de ce prototype que découlèrent les tramways à air comprimé mis en exploitation en France. (...) A Paris, plusieurs lignes utilisaient la motorisation à air comprimé : la ligne Passy-Hôtel de ville, la ligne Montrouge-Gare de l’Est ainsi que celles d’Auteuil et de La Muette. L’air comprimé était stocké à 80 kg/cm² et il s’en consommait un peu moins de 14 kg par kilomètre parcouru. Au bout de 12 km, la pression était encore de 12 kg.
The reality in 2011, we estimate that 95% of French
equipped cars do not run that 22 miles per day on weekdays
, apart from certain professions particularly exposed to road risk. " the average distance traveled by a car between the start and breaking the contact is about 20 km." ****
In a survey of 2009, 60% of respondents said less than 30 km / day in normal .***( in France, a car travels an average 14,000 km per year).
In France, approximately 20% of households have no car.
The percentage is 11% in households workers and professionals (supervisors) and 19% in households of employees
like the AirPod, 170 to 200 km, thus largely covers this type of need.
To zoom, click the picture!
** Source: Wikipedia
Pneumatic motor
" http
*** /? post/2009/09/15/Le-kilom% C3% A9trage-middle-of-fran% C3% A7ais-in-decline-in-2009-by-the-Bipe
"Eco- comparator "
" Polytech S4 Intelligence: Flavian17 " -cars-in-France-.html
A short historical reminder:
Tram air " Mékarsky " in Paris Gare de l'Est 1876-1879
Source: Didier Grimonprez
The engineer Louis Mékarski ** who perfected the system, involving compressed air and superheated water under pressure, and went fully operational in order to equip tram networks. It was used on trams in Paris from 1876 to 1879 on the network of Trams North. By 1878 the entire network of trams in Nantes was equipped with compressed air vehicles until 1917 that gave satisfaction. From 1890, other cities trams Mékarski tool up as Berne (1890) [1], Vichy (1895), Aix-les-Bains (1896), La Rochelle (1899) and Saint-Quentin ( 1901).
Mékarski locomotives were also in service on the night for the service Arpajonnais « silencieuse » des Halles de Paris jusqu'en 1933.
(...) La mise en œuvre sur l'automobile a fait aussi l'objet de quelques réalisations.
Efficace et beaucoup moins polluant (par les composants de ses batteries) que le véhicule électrique , mais souffrant aussi d'une autonomie limitée(sic !*), le concept semble oublié du monde « écologique » et
ne bénéficie pour l'instant d'aucun lobby industriel pour sa promotion et son développement .
" C’est en 1879, sur la ligne Doulon-Chantenay (agglomération de Nantes) que la propulsion à air comprimé fut appliquée pour la première fois aux transports vicinaux.
En effet, dès 1872, Mekarski avait cherché à transformer une locomotive produite par les ateliers du Creusot. C’est de ce prototype que découlèrent les tramways à air comprimé mis en exploitation en France. (...) A Paris, plusieurs lignes utilisaient la motorisation à air comprimé : la ligne Passy-Hôtel de ville, la ligne Montrouge-Gare de l’Est ainsi que celles d’Auteuil et de La Muette. L’air comprimé était stocké à 80 kg/cm² et il s’en consommait un peu moins de 14 kg par kilomètre parcouru. Au bout de 12 km, la pression était encore de 12 kg.
See also our article:
A bus air for Tain, Vosges? "
It was a political choice, which can be measured today lack discernment. Indeed, it is neither the construction of the Autoroute du Soleil, or its expensive expansion that have solved the problems of traffic jams in the Rhone Valley from June to September.
* concept autonomy was imposed in France in the 1950s by marketing vendors, considering the ability of a Parisian family to take his car for the summer and roll up on the Mediterranean coast or Atlantic.
The reality in 2011, we estimate that 95% of French
equipped cars do not run that 22 miles per day on weekdays
, apart from certain professions particularly exposed to road risk. " the average distance traveled by a car between the start and breaking the contact is about 20 km." ****
In a survey of 2009, 60% of respondents said less than 30 km / day in normal .***( in France, a car travels an average 14,000 km per year).
In France, approximately 20% of households have no car.
The percentage is 11% in households workers and professionals (supervisors) and 19% in households of employees
like the AirPod, 170 to 200 km, thus largely covers this type of need.
To zoom, click the picture!
** Source: Wikipedia
Pneumatic motor
" http
"GHG emissions on a daily basis and earnings potential"
http: / / "Big cities - Mobility everyday people" IMG/pdf/lepointsur_mobilite_20_cle79583a.pdf /? post/2009/09/15/Le-kilom% C3% A9trage-middle-of-fran% C3% A7ais-in-decline-in-2009-by-the-Bipe -cars-in-France-.html
The plane is more dangerous than the car?"
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Innovation et Basse consommation
Following information received from MDI
Following information received from MDI
Here recognition of size, ... that of Goodyear
. Every year, the research center of Goodyear Luxembourg organizes for its employees (several thousands) and the official" Day
The innovative ". "
In everyday life, the integration of environmental AirPod urban ... naturally:
the occasion of its General Assembly, the Automobile Club of Luxembourg had invited MDI. Mr. NEGRO went with his AirPod on hand to demonstrate the technology and the concept of industrial society. Regarding the photo above, the standard AirPod KLM loaned for the occasion, took the opportunity to wander through the
was November 4, 2010.
Recall that four days later, Michel Escom (councilor and spokesman Jean-Marie Cuny, Mayor La Petite-Fosse, the project of social progress " Clean Air") animated in Saint Die des Vosges
, the first workshop
Development Council of the Country Déodatie
Indeed, it is in the presence of Denis Henry, Chairman of the Development Council of Pays de la Déodatie, meeting a "Clean Air des Vosges" was able to take place in Saint Die des Vosges Monday, 11/08/2010, by mode selected in consultation with * Christine L'Heureux, Regional Councillor Lorraine, Vice-Chair of the Development Council of the Country the Déodatie.
"Innovation and Low consumption": a response to
questioning of many municipal officials.
(...) bylaw. It's a long job, and I took him for twenty years with my teams successive municipal, which is to create a positive environment conducive to the establishment of businesses. In a changing world and crisis, infrastructure and international image of the city are of central importance.
These are levers and development tools.
for five years in charge of Industry the Government, also creator of several SMEs and leader of a very large global company, I know how the choice of location for a manufacturing or service, public or private, owes nothing to chance. Multiple parameters form their decision:
accessibility, proximity to distribution centers, including the technological means such as Very High Speed, the living, the number and quality of infrastructure and transport, the cultural, educational, sports associations ...
The image of a community, its reputation, what it conveys beyond its borders, across a region, country, continent, planet, those expressed and communicate his elect, his economic actors, its inhabitants - all ambassadors! - All this, of course, is essential.
Will there be the Saint-Die-des-Vosges produce future air vehicles as the Air One ?
To be continued ...
Does The At&t Internet Work With Sidekick Lx
Web, Massif des Ballons des Vosges et Air Pur
This page hosting sites encouraging actions for a clean planet ... ... Balloons in the Massif des Vosges.
" IFAVA is a blog of information and expression that bears his visual look the smallest township in the Vosges including the Community Fave of the Common and its surroundings.
lecture-slide show on Wetlands
Update Thursday, 10/02/2011 Blog of the Vosges
This page hosting sites encouraging actions for a clean planet ... ... Balloons in the Massif des Vosges.
" IFAVA is a blog of information and expression that bears his visual look the smallest township in the Vosges including the Community Fave of the Common and its surroundings.
Example of encouragement by this site hosted by Jacques Schaab :
lecture-slide show on Wetlands
the Hut at Darou, will be held Feb. 2 at 20:30 a lecture-slide show on Wetlands organized by the Conservatoire des Sites Lorraine
For more information on the lecture and slide show, click here! 01/conf-st-die-2-02.1296234856.jpg Update Thursday, 10/02/2011 Blog of the Vosges
To more information on output-discovery in the Vosges Mountains, click here!
Irish Birtday Wish For A Uncle
style effect to the announcement effect: How to use the recovery policy.
Our policies are great actors, the art of their word seems innate, even among those who might believe, for various reasons, they are less good at that.
rhetoric is their weapon, a weapon dangerous to the innocent ear. A weapon that the period of the current greeting, good wishes and promises, as a trial run, allows them to test before the commencement of the Battle of Canton. Ah
these policies, always the right word, well placed to give rise to the worst speculation, doubt the most infamous.
this morning, the presentation of candidates supported by the UM P was no exception to the rule, quite the contrary.
Refuting some label UM P , which nevertheless stuck with them, wanting to stand out because of a movement and a power Elysian so unpopular that it becomes annoying, the leaders of our Departmental Right, usually so adept at playing thugs are not able (or lack of strength, or lack of courage ) to feed all the cantons of renewable department, not knowing whom to support in particular on Aubusson, the two candidates, not knowing which way dance, wanting to play the difficult game of independence, and show no candidate Guéret south, fearing no doubt a particularly humiliating defeat.
Worse, MP Jean Auclair saying when it would support the candidate MoDem on Township Gueret, Eric Daubechies, whose candidacy, hypothetical, has not been confirmed by the firm. Recognition of the positions of county Modem, or confession of impotence ... ?? Maybe a little of both to justify this sudden boom in favor of our movement. Here
unveiled and all the paradoxes of political shenanigans that have really the art of word, even unintentionally or knowledge. For what purpose this style effect masked by the effect of listing? Create media buzz at the height of the department? Hmm ... If the effect of style is mediocre, the announcement effect it is pathetic!
In terms of recovery policy, by what our opponents are using the ideas that we begin, there is only one step that academic dishonesty may dare to cross ... unless renewed courage ...
Anyway, voters are free, and be sure and be contrary to what was intended to imply MP Jean Auclair through his statement, there is no alliance between the UMP and Democratic Movement , no accord d'aucune sorte ! Que ceci soit clairement établi.
Néanmoins, si l' UM P locale se retrouve dans les positions et les valeurs véhiculées par le MoDem, tant mieux... Cependant, le MoDem ne se retrouve en rien dans les valeurs de l' UM P !
Our policies are great actors, the art of their word seems innate, even among those who might believe, for various reasons, they are less good at that.
rhetoric is their weapon, a weapon dangerous to the innocent ear. A weapon that the period of the current greeting, good wishes and promises, as a trial run, allows them to test before the commencement of the Battle of Canton. Ah
these policies, always the right word, well placed to give rise to the worst speculation, doubt the most infamous.
this morning, the presentation of candidates supported by the UM P was no exception to the rule, quite the contrary.
Refuting some label UM P , which nevertheless stuck with them, wanting to stand out because of a movement and a power Elysian so unpopular that it becomes annoying, the leaders of our Departmental Right, usually so adept at playing thugs are not able (or lack of strength, or lack of courage ) to feed all the cantons of renewable department, not knowing whom to support in particular on Aubusson, the two candidates, not knowing which way dance, wanting to play the difficult game of independence, and show no candidate Guéret south, fearing no doubt a particularly humiliating defeat.
Worse, MP Jean Auclair saying when it would support the candidate MoDem on Township Gueret, Eric Daubechies, whose candidacy, hypothetical, has not been confirmed by the firm. Recognition of the positions of county Modem, or confession of impotence ... ?? Maybe a little of both to justify this sudden boom in favor of our movement. Here
unveiled and all the paradoxes of political shenanigans that have really the art of word, even unintentionally or knowledge. For what purpose this style effect masked by the effect of listing? Create media buzz at the height of the department? Hmm ... If the effect of style is mediocre, the announcement effect it is pathetic!
In terms of recovery policy, by what our opponents are using the ideas that we begin, there is only one step that academic dishonesty may dare to cross ... unless renewed courage ...
Anyway, voters are free, and be sure and be contrary to what was intended to imply MP Jean Auclair through his statement, there is no alliance between the UMP and Democratic Movement , no accord d'aucune sorte ! Que ceci soit clairement établi.
Néanmoins, si l' UM P locale se retrouve dans les positions et les valeurs véhiculées par le MoDem, tant mieux... Cependant, le MoDem ne se retrouve en rien dans les valeurs de l' UM P !
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Most Reliable Computer Case
A candidate modem in cantonal Aubusson!
En conférence de Presse, ce matin, au bar le Chapitre, à Aubusson, j'ai officialisé ma candidature pour les cantonales de Mars prochain sur ce canton.
Ma suppléante sera Liliane Lenoble, retraitée exploitante agricole.
Retrouvez all the details of the Press Conference on the campaign website created for the occasion:
Thanks to all who support my candidacy and the formidable campaign team around me!
En conférence de Presse, ce matin, au bar le Chapitre, à Aubusson, j'ai officialisé ma candidature pour les cantonales de Mars prochain sur ce canton.
Ma suppléante sera Liliane Lenoble, retraitée exploitante agricole.
Retrouvez all the details of the Press Conference on the campaign website created for the occasion:
Thanks to all who support my candidacy and the formidable campaign team around me!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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Projet de progrès social : Quel budget pour "Air Pur des Vosges" ?
First, what are the prospects in France? Here is a survey released by the Senate * :
Between 2004 and 2009, spending three services increased from 10.5 billion euros to 14 billion euros, and now represent 10% of operating expenses of all local authorities. In comparison, transportation accounted for only 6% of the total general advice, networks and infrastructure, 5% education, 6%, as presented in the following graph: "
It is now possible to locate the specific context
Vosges **
With a budget of € 470 000 000, the General Council manages the largest government budget of the department .* **
According to Mr. Stephen Pourcher, general counsel of the Vosges: "
insufficient credits in social spending and especially non-state compensation, which leads to take on certain social lines to address other, ie take the poor to give to the poor , such as the lower housing solidarity fund 420 000 euros to pay for the RSA.
It seems that the Draft Social Progress"
Ne faut-il alors pas encourager chacun à faire preuve d'inventivité ?
Déjà, nous apportons ici notre propre contribution.
Ainsi, ce projet est une preuve qu'en soutenant des créateurs doués comme Guy Nègre et d'autres, il est possible d'agir astucieusement sur les 3 volets du développement durable :
Progrès social, Performance économique,
Respect de l'environnement.
Chiche !
But how long will it take, socially and economically?
Inevitably, we will have to address later the case of pseudo-"debt" service, which poisons the lives of all. While remaining optimistic, of course, since viable economic alternatives exist: it is only asking the right questions and make social decisions and industrial respond naturally. gif
First, what are the prospects in France? Here is a survey released by the Senate * :
"Today spending welfare departments represent 60% of their current spending excluding investment a total of 29.4 billion euros of a total budget of 48.4 billion euros. Payment of three allocations above 28% of this expenditure, 14 billion euros.
Between 2004 and 2009, spending three services increased from 10.5 billion euros to 14 billion euros, and now represent 10% of operating expenses of all local authorities. In comparison, transportation accounted for only 6% of the total general advice, networks and infrastructure, 5% education, 6%, as presented in the following graph: "
Distribution of the overall budget of the departments: *
It is now possible to locate the specific context
Vosges **
With a budget of € 470 000 000, the General Council manages the largest government budget of the department .* **
According to Mr. Stephen Pourcher, general counsel of the Vosges: "
insufficient credits in social spending and especially non-state compensation, which leads to take on certain social lines to address other, ie take the poor to give to the poor , such as the lower housing solidarity fund 420 000 euros to pay for the RSA.
It seems that the Draft Social Progress"
Vosges Clean Air "is a form particularly suitable, financially, to break this vicious circle staggering: for example, 1 / 3 of fuel saved in the seul secteur du Pays de la Déodatie permettrait largement de payer 2 usines complètes !
Ne faut-il alors pas encourager chacun à faire preuve d'inventivité ?
Déjà, nous apportons ici notre propre contribution.
Ainsi, ce projet est une preuve qu'en soutenant des créateurs doués comme Guy Nègre et d'autres, il est possible d'agir astucieusement sur les 3 volets du développement durable :
Progrès social, Performance économique,
Respect de l'environnement.
Chiche !
But how long will it take, socially and economically?
Inevitably, we will have to address later the case of pseudo-"debt" service, which poisons the lives of all. While remaining optimistic, of course, since viable economic alternatives exist: it is only asking the right questions and make social decisions and industrial respond naturally.
- To be continued ...
- *
- gif
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Île de La Réunion : un projet d'usines
Welcome to our visitors and visitors of the islands, small or large. Madagascar, French Polynesia, Guadeloupe and Martinique, Reunion Island, etc.. ...
Welcome to our visitors and visitors of the islands, small or large. Madagascar, French Polynesia, Guadeloupe and Martinique, Reunion Island, etc.. ...
This site is of course also their "Clean Air Vosges
" is meant to be broken down into "Clean Air Reunion", "Clean Air
of Guadeloupe
"and so on ... Indeed, we believe that the economic model based on the waste oil has had its day, and that the unnecessary pollution of the landscape of these beautiful islands can also be answered clean energy.
Moreover, the new campaign to promote the Areva nuclear goes far beyond an ordinary commission business, such as "Green Washing" as Al Gore. is, somehow, the homage of a form of scientism all-azimuths ... Pioneer in clean technologies.
So here we will complete the data concerning the proposed plants vertical axis wind turbines and vehicles compressed air on the island of La Reunion.
This view, taken from the site
However, periodically, the idea of restoring the old railroad resurfaces there, let's go to Daniel Vaxelaire:
(...) And in August 1881 less than two years after starting the site, here is the first railroad train in the history of Reunion leaves Pointe Pebbles, crosses the tunnels and arrives at the station of Saint-Denis! The following year, in February 1882, was inaugurated.
only thing missing is the bridge of the Saint-Etienne, not yet finished, but what an achievement! This inauguration marks the beginning of commercial exploitation, which will never be successful. Perhaps he was too small, the train of 1882, perhaps he was too slow. In any case, it was destroyed. And what remains today? Traffic jams and lots of nostalgia ...
© Daniel Vaxelaire
And if this train reconsider was, too, energized by compressed air? To return to our paragliders, it is natural that such an activity can count as soon on vehicles, air energized by vertical axis wind turbines.
... To be continued!
Friday, January 21, 2011
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No to the closure of the high school diploma in Computer Eugene Jamot Aubusson!
The new school map was unveiled yesterday by the rector and the prefect, and it's a nasty surprise that awaits creusois: nine channels are set to disappear, seven high schools are affected in the region, mainly in rural areas, two in Creuse High School Raymond Loewy to Underground, and the Eugene School Jamot to Aubusson.
To this we must add 13 job cuts in the Primary department, who also explained by demographic reasons, the Creuse losing 46 students.
These decisions, formally dictated by the logic accounting and budget, however we seem arbitrary and unfair. On
Aubusson, closing door on an option to its BTS Computer Science and Management, is the only training LAC + 2 provides that the institution training which could then pose threats in the years to come.
At the Underground, it's even worse since the school Raymond Loewy lose its first S-SCI and L. Closing a first-class with its automatic closure of the Terminal the following year, it's the industry that eventually will disappear!
A new principle was introduced: the increase in capacity! The classes count up to 35 students maximum, beyond, students should enroll elsewhere.
We note here that the teaching quality wins ... While everyone knows that pertinant classes loaded reasonably allow a better quality of education and group life easier to manage for the owner. It is of course an improvement of working conditions for teachers ... Moreover, woe to the 36th Crocq capita student who can not enroll in the School of Aubusson be forced to boarding at the Lycée Pierre Bourdan Guéret. Both
aberrations that highlight the social divide that affects rural areas!
scarcity of a good school will offer a further check shows the installation of new populations in our territories, sit a willingness to disregard centralizing territorial equity and equality of opportunity .
" Doing more with less" as the slogan could be launched by the State when we know that the Academy of Limoges must make 95 posts of school teachers even though the number of students win 473 pupils in the coming year. Una additional aberration!
Clearly outrageous that the state can think of to save money on the backs of Education, this is a direct attack on the right offered everyone access to public education on its territory, even in rural areas. It's also ignore the importance of fabric high school student and the dynamics of a city. Aubusson and deprive the Underground of their strengths: it is not the question!
Beyond that, it is necessary to consider to optimize and maintain a reasonable offer and satisfying for our public services péréniser
Education and Health, as many thematic priorities that we concern at the highest point, and why it is necessary to fight!
The new school map was unveiled yesterday by the rector and the prefect, and it's a nasty surprise that awaits creusois: nine channels are set to disappear, seven high schools are affected in the region, mainly in rural areas, two in Creuse High School Raymond Loewy to Underground, and the Eugene School Jamot to Aubusson.
To this we must add 13 job cuts in the Primary department, who also explained by demographic reasons, the Creuse losing 46 students.
These decisions, formally dictated by the logic accounting and budget, however we seem arbitrary and unfair. On
Aubusson, closing door on an option to its BTS Computer Science and Management, is the only training LAC + 2 provides that the institution training which could then pose threats in the years to come.
Jamot Eugene High School, in Aubusson . |
A new principle was introduced: the increase in capacity! The classes count up to 35 students maximum, beyond, students should enroll elsewhere.
We note here that the teaching quality wins ... While everyone knows that pertinant classes loaded reasonably allow a better quality of education and group life easier to manage for the owner. It is of course an improvement of working conditions for teachers ... Moreover, woe to the 36th Crocq capita student who can not enroll in the School of Aubusson be forced to boarding at the Lycée Pierre Bourdan Guéret. Both
aberrations that highlight the social divide that affects rural areas!
scarcity of a good school will offer a further check shows the installation of new populations in our territories, sit a willingness to disregard centralizing territorial equity and equality of opportunity .
" Doing more with less" as the slogan could be launched by the State when we know that the Academy of Limoges must make 95 posts of school teachers even though the number of students win 473 pupils in the coming year. Una additional aberration!
Clearly outrageous that the state can think of to save money on the backs of Education, this is a direct attack on the right offered everyone access to public education on its territory, even in rural areas. It's also ignore the importance of fabric high school student and the dynamics of a city. Aubusson and deprive the Underground of their strengths: it is not the question!
Beyond that, it is necessary to consider to optimize and maintain a reasonable offer and satisfying for our public services péréniser
Education and Health, as many thematic priorities that we concern at the highest point, and why it is necessary to fight!
Monday, January 17, 2011
How Often Should You Get New Track Spikes
Socialist Leadership questioned internally! Structuring
The poll of Cantonal approaching, everyone is going to shock the little phrase to capture the opinion and make an impression.
bet that future elections will lead to rich and constructive debate , exchanging alerts and productive, not to fruitless bickering ideological and partisan ...
However, there are the borders of the region of Aubusson, a small township where the exchange risk to be particularly lively, a small township where the animation may be large and hot: that of St Sulpice les Champs.
Indeed, Daniel Delprato , outgoing General Counsel, who is not standing for the Socialist Party had therefore invested Conchon Michel, Deputy Mayor Parsat for this election, hoping for a peaceful campaign. Nay!
Patrick Aubert, Various Left , incidentally the first deputy mayor of Fransèches, a ... Delprato Daniel, made him also through the press, the application form on the same township, explaining that if he wins, he would sit on the benches of most county! What atmosphere!
That statement drew the wrath of Michel Conchon who asked the leader of the majority county in favor of reacting against this statement. Refusal of the supreme authority: Jean-Jacques Lozach directly implicated, who "did not take his role" !
wound up like a pendulum, and shooting on sight anything that moves, Deputy Mayor Parsat immediately tore up his card for the Socialist Party, which he had done after the Congress of Reims in 2008, declaring that, in a Democratic surge in highlighting the need for a representative political pluralism that "domination of PS on local politics led to a blocked" , also denounced the partiality of the General Councilors "I think the General Counsel should not simply emphasize its common (...) 700,000 Euros for the site Masgot is enough!". A picnic addressed in the face of the outgoing General Counsel.
But the best is yet to come when Michel Conchon dénonce la passivité, le manque d'investissement et la tactique de victimisation des élus creusois à l'égard de l'Etat et du Conseil Régional ... de couleur socialiste.
"Il faut arrêter de dire que Limoges nous abandonne, il n'y a pas un élu creusois capable de se faire entendre au Conseil Régional."
Voilà qui est dit, chacun jugera comme il l'entend...
The poll of Cantonal approaching, everyone is going to shock the little phrase to capture the opinion and make an impression.
bet that future elections will lead to rich and constructive debate , exchanging alerts and productive, not to fruitless bickering ideological and partisan ...
However, there are the borders of the region of Aubusson, a small township where the exchange risk to be particularly lively, a small township where the animation may be large and hot: that of St Sulpice les Champs.
Indeed, Daniel Delprato , outgoing General Counsel, who is not standing for the Socialist Party had therefore invested Conchon Michel, Deputy Mayor Parsat for this election, hoping for a peaceful campaign. Nay!
Patrick Aubert, Various Left , incidentally the first deputy mayor of Fransèches, a ... Delprato Daniel, made him also through the press, the application form on the same township, explaining that if he wins, he would sit on the benches of most county! What atmosphere!
Conchon Michel Mayor Under Parsat. |
wound up like a pendulum, and shooting on sight anything that moves, Deputy Mayor Parsat immediately tore up his card for the Socialist Party, which he had done after the Congress of Reims in 2008, declaring that, in a Democratic surge in highlighting the need for a representative political pluralism that "domination of PS on local politics led to a blocked" , also denounced the partiality of the General Councilors "I think the General Counsel should not simply emphasize its common (...) 700,000 Euros for the site Masgot is enough!". A picnic addressed in the face of the outgoing General Counsel.
But the best is yet to come when Michel Conchon dénonce la passivité, le manque d'investissement et la tactique de victimisation des élus creusois à l'égard de l'Etat et du Conseil Régional ... de couleur socialiste.
"Il faut arrêter de dire que Limoges nous abandonne, il n'y a pas un élu creusois capable de se faire entendre au Conseil Régional."
Voilà qui est dit, chacun jugera comme il l'entend...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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Le compte-rendu des 3èmes Assises du développement durable du Pays de la Déodatie
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 1 / 8
foundation for sustainable development of the Country Déodatie of 2 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . - More Videos
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 3 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . - More Videos
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 4 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . -
courses, parties and many other videos of student life.
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 5 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . -
courses, parties and many other videos of student life.
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 6 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . -
Discover more videos of student life.
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 7 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . -
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foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 8 / 8 sent by Monsieur_DD . - More Videos
3D Territoires est une agence associative, innovante et pertinente, pour accompagner les entreprises et les collectivités dans leurs stratégie, projets pragmatiques et communication en développement durable, environnement et management global ... Toujours pour inventer le détail qui créé l'envie
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foundation for sustainable development of the Country Déodatie of 2 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . - More Videos
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 3 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . - More Videos
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 4 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . -
courses, parties and many other videos of student life.
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 5 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . -
courses, parties and many other videos of student life.
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 6 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . -
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foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 7 / 8 sent Monsieur_DD . -
Discover more videos of student life.
foundation for sustainable development of the country Déodatie 8 / 8 sent by Monsieur_DD . - More Videos
3D Territoires est une agence associative, innovante et pertinente, pour accompagner les entreprises et les collectivités dans leurs stratégie, projets pragmatiques et communication en développement durable, environnement et management global ... Toujours pour inventer le détail qui créé l'envie
Monday, January 10, 2011
Carolina Lab Cell Respiration
to build and develop. When
Ah, Aubusson, son charme, son Eglise, sa grande rue, les ruines de son château, sa piscine, son musée de la tapisserie, et son Gymnase... Euh, non c'est vrai, j'oubliais, il n'y a pas de gymnase in Aubusson, there is not even throughout the township also ...
Yes, as surprising and unbelievable as it may seem, the Canton of Aubusson, with over 6,000 inhabitants and a very good number of sports associations, does not on its territory of sports venue worthy of name.
This would still lie to say that the area contains no local home for these associations. Indeed, the town of Aubusson has a multipurpose hall to leave the city. As its name suggests, this is a multipurpose room, therefore, its use is not only sports, but may respond to the organization other types of events or event.
Therefore, in the absence of sports structure, it should reflect on the relevance of disposal in the city, at least on Township.
Because sport is a true medium of communication should not be neglected, will contribute actively to the local dynamism and vibrancy of our associative territories.
From there, have a gym on Aubusson does not seem to be a challenge, mais plutôt la suite logique à donner à la structuration d'un tissu associatif et sportif de qualité.
Un Gymnase est l'outil structurant indispensable pour assurer le développement d'une association sportive ; elle lui donne une assise, un lieu de pratique et de rencontre, donne plus de lisibiltié, de crédibilité et d'ambition à un projet sportif.
Pour une association il est le moyen de promotion de son activité, permet l'accueil d'un public qu'il devient possible de fidéliser localement, est une vitrine qui permet la mise en avant des partenaires, publics et privés, associés à ce projet sportif. Il permet également organization scale events departmental, regional or even national media coverage with that accompany them.
A gymnasium, SPE provides a dynamic associative importantissime for the image of a town or township, for no one can deny the role of ambassador and several media value that sport can bring a territory. Who would know without his Guimgamp In Before ?
The lack of a sports facility of this type is disadvantageous for the sector Aubusson, the conditions of certain sports are not insured optimally or do not allow the practice of certain disciplines, the most popular and fashionable in France, as Hand ball.
Table tennis Aubusson, now moribund, while having been one of the flagships of the department would also need a good tool to find such a boost and take another dimension. This discipline local history, which brought several titles departmental, regional and national in its recent history has greatly suffered from this lack.
Examples among many others. However, significant efforts are reported in this context: Michel Monk who announced that pétanqueurs would have two to three years in a bowling cover. Fencing and dancing should have good working conditions.
However, the needs are urgent matter, the question recurring, and the lack of a sports complex worthy of the name sounds like a local anomaly which should be regularized. Moreover, when a city like Underground has a sports complex as interesting as the Parondelle. So when
for a sports complex in Aubusson? The debate, which has long existed, remains open and requires to be fed!
Ah, Aubusson, son charme, son Eglise, sa grande rue, les ruines de son château, sa piscine, son musée de la tapisserie, et son Gymnase... Euh, non c'est vrai, j'oubliais, il n'y a pas de gymnase in Aubusson, there is not even throughout the township also ...
Yes, as surprising and unbelievable as it may seem, the Canton of Aubusson, with over 6,000 inhabitants and a very good number of sports associations, does not on its territory of sports venue worthy of name.
This would still lie to say that the area contains no local home for these associations. Indeed, the town of Aubusson has a multipurpose hall to leave the city. As its name suggests, this is a multipurpose room, therefore, its use is not only sports, but may respond to the organization other types of events or event.
The multifunctional hall Aubusson. |
Therefore, in the absence of sports structure, it should reflect on the relevance of disposal in the city, at least on Township.
Because sport is a true medium of communication should not be neglected, will contribute actively to the local dynamism and vibrancy of our associative territories.
From there, have a gym on Aubusson does not seem to be a challenge, mais plutôt la suite logique à donner à la structuration d'un tissu associatif et sportif de qualité.
Un Gymnase est l'outil structurant indispensable pour assurer le développement d'une association sportive ; elle lui donne une assise, un lieu de pratique et de rencontre, donne plus de lisibiltié, de crédibilité et d'ambition à un projet sportif.
Pour une association il est le moyen de promotion de son activité, permet l'accueil d'un public qu'il devient possible de fidéliser localement, est une vitrine qui permet la mise en avant des partenaires, publics et privés, associés à ce projet sportif. Il permet également organization scale events departmental, regional or even national media coverage with that accompany them.
A gymnasium, SPE provides a dynamic associative importantissime for the image of a town or township, for no one can deny the role of ambassador and several media value that sport can bring a territory. Who would know without his Guimgamp In Before ?
The lack of a sports facility of this type is disadvantageous for the sector Aubusson, the conditions of certain sports are not insured optimally or do not allow the practice of certain disciplines, the most popular and fashionable in France, as Hand ball.
Table tennis Aubusson, now moribund, while having been one of the flagships of the department would also need a good tool to find such a boost and take another dimension. This discipline local history, which brought several titles departmental, regional and national in its recent history has greatly suffered from this lack.
Examples among many others. However, significant efforts are reported in this context: Michel Monk who announced that pétanqueurs would have two to three years in a bowling cover. Fencing and dancing should have good working conditions.
However, the needs are urgent matter, the question recurring, and the lack of a sports complex worthy of the name sounds like a local anomaly which should be regularized. Moreover, when a city like Underground has a sports complex as interesting as the Parondelle. So when
for a sports complex in Aubusson? The debate, which has long existed, remains open and requires to be fed!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Where Can I Get Full Kates Playground
In my mind!
I was passed over for a while ... but the events in Belgium, a country that evaporates, the nostalgia goes back ...
The image of London makes me dream. Treatment for Brussels makes me cry. Many assets, so much wealth, and so abused ...
Good up the hearts, if that becomes Flemish city, London will receive me with open arms, in English or French!
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