It goes from 8.86 to 9 euros gross time to reach 1,365 euros for 35 hours, or about 1,073 euros net
per month.
RSA (Revenue de Solidarité Active)
It will be revalued by 1.5% (inflation in 2011) to reach 466.99 euros per month
for a single person without children, 700.49 euros for a childless couple or a single person with a child.
Adjustment of 1.5%: 126.38 euros for two children (pre-CRDS), 288.38 euros for three children, 430.55 euros for four children. Added increases by age.
consultation among GPs rises to 23 euros. The médicaments remboursés à 35 % ne le seront qu’à 30 %.
Fin de la prime à la casse (500 euros) le 1er janvier.
Elle sera versée si la voiture a été commandée avant le 31 décembre (même si livrée début 2011) . Les bonus-malus écologiques en vigueur s’appliqueront si le véhicule est commandé avant la fin du mois (même si livré en 2011).
En revanche, pour les voitures commandées en 2011, le montant des bonus sera réduit et les seuils from which they are paid will be increased. The bonus of 100 euros for the purchase of cars emitting between 116 and 125 g / km of CO2 will be removed.
The EUR 500 for vehicles emitting 96 to 115 g increased to 400 euros. The premium of 1,000 euros for vehicles emitting 61 to 95 g will be reduced to 800 euros, the specific bonus LPG deleted and that for the hybrids cured. TAXATION
job at home: striking the 15-point deduction on employer contributions offered to households reporting their employee wages at Real. Remove multiple tax returns the year of marriage, civil partnerships or divorce, which allowed in some cases to reduce its taxes. The highest band of income tax raised from 40% to 41%, to finance the pension reform. tax Niches: movement of the plane 10% of niches to reduce income tax by making an investment choice. are so concerned about the credit facilities in favor of sustainable development, reduction of tax for certain overseas investments or investment rental in the ninth.
Reduction solidarity tax on wealth (ISF) reduced from 75 to 50% for the direct or indirect investment by an individual in an SME, a limit of 45,000 euros. INSURANCE
generalized Recovery rates of between 2.5% and 4.5% by car, between 3% and nearly 8% in housing, and between 5.3% and 8.5% in health. In car and housing, increases reflected the impact of weather events and rising costs repairs. Healthy, they reflected the delisting and the introduction of a fee of 3.5% on insurance officials said.
up 3% of the bill
, due to higher contributions to public service of electricity, which provides funding for the purchase of renewable energy.
Electricity: the social tariff, rebates granted to low-income households (625,000), should vary between 40 and 60% against 30 to 50% Today
(unconfirmed info - Ed's blog)
. (unconfirmed info - Ed's blog)
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