A short historical reminder:
Tram air " Mékarsky " in Paris Gare de l'Est 1876-1879
Source: Didier Grimonprez
The engineer Louis Mékarski ** who perfected the system, involving compressed air and superheated water under pressure, and went fully operational in order to equip tram networks. It was used on trams in Paris from 1876 to 1879 on the network of Trams North. By 1878 the entire network of trams in Nantes was equipped with compressed air vehicles until 1917 that gave satisfaction. From 1890, other cities trams Mékarski tool up as Berne (1890) [1], Vichy (1895), Aix-les-Bains (1896), La Rochelle (1899) and Saint-Quentin ( 1901). (...)
La mise en œuvre sur l'automobile a fait aussi l'objet de quelques réalisations.
Efficace et beaucoup moins polluant (par les composants de ses batteries) que le véhicule électrique , mais souffrant aussi d'une autonomie limitée(sic !*), le concept semble oublié du monde « écologique » et
ne bénéficie pour l'instant d'aucun lobby industriel pour sa promotion et son développement .
" C’est en 1879, sur la ligne Doulon-Chantenay (agglomération de Nantes) que la propulsion à air comprimé fut appliquée pour la première fois aux transports vicinaux.
En effet, dès 1872, Mekarski avait cherché à transformer une locomotive produite par les ateliers du Creusot. C’est de ce prototype que découlèrent les tramways à air comprimé mis en exploitation en France. (...) A Paris, plusieurs lignes utilisaient la motorisation à air comprimé : la ligne Passy-Hôtel de ville, la ligne Montrouge-Gare de l’Est ainsi que celles d’Auteuil et de La Muette. L’air comprimé était stocké à 80 kg/cm² et il s’en consommait un peu moins de 14 kg par kilomètre parcouru. Au bout de 12 km, la pression était encore de 12 kg.
See also our article:
A bus air for Tain, Vosges? " http://airpurdesvosges-leblog.blogspot.com/2010/12/un-bus-air-comprime-pour-taintrux.html
It was a political choice, which can be measured today lack discernment. Indeed, it is neither the construction of the Autoroute du Soleil, or its expensive expansion that have solved the problems of traffic jams in the Rhone Valley from June to September.
* concept autonomy was imposed in France in the 1950s by marketing vendors, considering the ability of a Parisian family to take his car for the summer and roll up on the Mediterranean coast or Atlantic.
The reality in 2011, we estimate that 95% of French
equipped cars do not run that 22 miles per day on weekdays
, apart from certain professions particularly exposed to road risk. " the average distance traveled by a car between the start and breaking the contact is about 20 km." ****
In a survey of 2009, 60% of respondents said less than 30 km / day in normal .***( in France, a car travels an average 14,000 km per year).
In France, approximately 20% of households have no car.
The percentage is 11% in households workers and professionals (supervisors) and 19% in households of employees
like the AirPod, 170 to 200 km, thus largely covers this type of need.
To zoom, click the picture!
** Source: Wikipedia
Pneumatic motor
" http
"GHG emissions on a daily basis and earnings potential"
http://www.eco-life.fr/fiches/dossier_emissions_GES_quotidien.pdf www.ateliergrandparis.com
http: / / www.ateliergrandparis.com/mobilite/documents/Orientations04.pdf "Big cities - Mobility everyday people"
http://www.statistiques.equipement.gouv.fr/ IMG/pdf/lepointsur_mobilite_20_cle79583a.pdf
http://blog.permisapoints.fr /? post/2009/09/15/Le-kilom% C3% A9trage-middle-of-fran% C3% A7ais-in-decline-in-2009-by-the-Bipe
http://www.planetoscope.com/automobile/111-Nombre-de-kilometres-parcourus-en-ville-par-les -cars-in-France-.html
The plane is more dangerous than the car?" http://holistique.wordpress.com/2008/08/14/lavion-est-il-plus-dangereux-que-la-voiture/
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